Chapter 5

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Lily's POV:
Today was the last day of school and I was dreading going home to Petunia. She still won't talk to me without calling me a freak! I really thought she would have stopped by now. We are still sisters.
Anyway, I woke up and changed into my robes. I decided to go to the common room to see if anyone else was there.
Sadly, when I ascended the stairs one other person was there.
Of course that person was James. And all of his self absorbed self.
One of the floor boards creaked as I stepped on it and he spun around with a extremely goofy grin on his face. "Why hello." He said flirtatiously.(hehe) Uugghhh I thought as I rolled my eyes and took the seat opposite him. He was working on his charms essay even though it was due 5 days ago.
I chuckled because he was confused and his face was all screwed up and cute. Wait no. Not cute. Definitely NOT CUTE!

"Need any help?" I asked to be polite. He then patted the seat next to him. So I moved and sat down and looked at what he had already written. He had only one sentence written. "Is that really the best you can do?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"No,but I forgot what ExpectoPatronom means in English." He replied.
"It means I await a guardian." I said with a scoff. That is obviously something any third year would know.
He looked embarrassed so I gave him a small friendly smile.
"Maybe we should try being friends." I offered. James simply replied "Ok!" And ran off as if I had just proposed.

Just then Marlene and Allison walked into the common room.
"Finally! You said yes!" Marlene exclaimed.
"What are you talking about?!" I asked her.

"We were just assuming because James just ran down the hallway with a huge smile as if you had said yes." Explained Allison.

"Well I didn't i just offered being friends." I said still in shock.

"Awwwwwwww." Chorused the two clearly disappointed.

"You and James are adorable together Lily! You should have said yes AGES ago!" Marlene continued.

"IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!" I half shouted.

I glared at her, balled my fists and walked off towards dinner.


Hi! Sorry it took so long to update with school and all. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I will try to update soon. Though I can't promise anything.

Should I change Allison to Audrey because the name is simalar to Alice?

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