Chapter 6

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James's pov

I was stuffing all of my belongings into my trunk when Sirius snuck up behind me and nearly gave me a heart attack. He pushed me so hard that I stumbled over and all of my clothes and books were left sprawled across the floor.
"What the heck?!" I half shouted at him. It had taken me forever to pick all of those things. After all I wasn't the most organized person and I couldn't stop thinking of lily. She was just so beautiful! Why couldn't she just like me?
In the end I just shoved everything into my trunk and hauled it into the common room to be taken down by an awful new employee this year named filch I think. It really should be filth though. Then the marauders and I walked through the portrait hole and down the corridor to board the hogwarts express.

Lily pov

Though I was dreading seeing petunia, I neatly packed all of my clothes and books while Allison stumbled around the dorm, she's very, very clumsy.
Eventually, everyone finished packing and we all headed out of the dorm through the common room and down the corridor walking towards the hogwarts
Dear readers,
I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update lately. I'll try to make up for it and I'm working on another chapter right now. As always please comment, vote and KEEP READING!!🙏🙏

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