"What the fuck?" She growled as she headed off to the kitchen, she needed a bottle of water and a small snack before continuing on with her self-inflicted torture. "That game is still new. How can it be unreadable?"

Samantha munched on some potato chips and sipped on her water, she couldn't think of any reason why the game wouldn't work. She leaned against the countertop and tried to think of something to help her with this problem. Restarting the Xbox didn't work, the internet connection didn't seem to affect it either; maybe the game needed an update?

The twenty-year-old thought about that, most games nowadays needed updates and it had been a while since the game was last played. Between then and now, it would make sense that there may have been an update she needed. Maybe even more than one.

She headed back to the TV stand and popped the disc back in. As the console tried to read the disc, she headed over to the couch and leaned against it while she waited. After receiving the same unreadable message, she clicked okay and then opened up the Games and Apps section. Sure enough, she found an update that was needed.

"Why aren't you popping up?" She muttered to herself as she clicked on the box. "Will you still work?"

To Samantha's surprise, the update started and progressed rather quickly. That alone was a bit odd as most of her Xbox updates usually took over an hour to load, the fact this one was already at fifty percent in less than ten minutes didn't seem right. Still, like any gamer, a faster load time meant she could sooner play the game so it didn't receive much more attention from her. Within five more minutes, the update was complete and the game started.

As the Ubisoft logo appeared on her television screen Samantha started to feel a headache throb just above her right eye. It was a dull pain at first, barely there for moment.

"Fuck.." she groaned as she pressed the bottom of her palm against the ache. Usually, she could massage the pain away but, this time it seemed to increase the pain. "Oh, come on!"

Moving away from the couch, she began to feel nauseous and weak. Her head was hurting even more and her eyesight was beginning to blur a bit. She tried to lean against the wall for support however she must not have been near it was she fell to the ground with a thud. Her whole body hurt and she couldn't even think coherent thoughts. The only thing she managed to register in her mind before passing out was that she wasn't pressed against cold tile floors. Rather, she could smell the faint scent of wood instead.


Evie had just finished her chat with Inspector Frederick Abberline and was on her way to Jacob's lodgings. She wondered what could have happened to her dear twin brother, did this Jack The Ripper kill him? The idea felt laughable to her but, she couldn't rule it out yet. She could only pray that should this killer intend to murder Jacob, he hadn't done so yet.

As Evie approached the house where her brother lived, she felt a strange shiver run done her spine. Not one of coldness or of fear, it simply happened for no reason. When she came to the door, a sense of unease filled the air. She wasn't sure why but figured it had to do with the recent events. However, she came to find that there was more to it than that.

Opening the front door, Evie found Samantha laying on the floor unconscious. Evie froze in shock, she hadn't seen Samantha in twenty years and now, there she was. The girl who died and disappeared without a trace along with her friends was here, still looking as young as she was all those years ago. Was she alive? Was that even really her?

The Return of A Dimension Traveler| Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz