Ch. 9 (Tay)

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Okay so I kinda wanted to give some background info on Tay and why she decided to run away with Kellin, Vic and Mike so this chapter will be kinda short. I kinda wanna do a spin off of this fic but about Tay?? Ideas ideas anyways idek read on my children.

Tays POV

It's been four years. Four years since they died. Four years since I lost everything. Four years since I became a foster child. Four years of leaving homes, friends, and schools.

My current foster mother is probably the worst I ever had. She's abusive and an alcoholic. She doesn't take care of me at all either. I've been with her for about two years now and I've never wanted anything more but to leave. But luckily today's the day I leave.

I checked my bag for like the tenth time to make sure I had everything.

"Hairbrush..check. Charger? Check. Money...check." I shuffled through my bag.

I looked around my room and sighed. "I'll miss this place." I made my way downstairs and to the door as quietly as possible.

"Hey bitch where the f.uck do you think you're going?" I grimaced and slowly turned around to see my foster mom laying on the couch with a bottle of Vodka in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"Uhm..uh" I stuttered. She got up from the couch and walked up to me.

"Answer me!" Her breath reeked of alcohol and her clothes smelt like cigarette smoke. I looked down at the ground which was a mistake because she slapped me.

"If only I wasn't getting money from the government for your dumbass." She muttered and walked back to the couch. I took this as an opportunity to leave.


When I got to kellin's house I stood outside staring at the door, trying to gain the confidence to open it.

"Cmon Tay don't back out now." I tried convincing myself.

'If you leave she's just gonna find you. Go back bitch.' My mind told me but my heart told me this was right.

"Deep breaths Tay. You can do this." I reached for the door, opened it and ran up to kellin's room.

"It's about time you came in." Kellin chuckled. I gave him a confused look when Vic butted.

"We saw you standing at the door for like ten minutes." My could feel my face turned a deep crimson from embarrassment.

"Look, I understand that what we are doing is risky and tough but there's no other way. We have to do this. I wish there was some other way to escape this hell but there isn't." Kellin sighed. Vic leaned over and hugged him. How the fuck are they not dating yet?

"Alright lets make a promise. Once we leave this room there's no backing down." Mike eyed us all.

"We go together or we don't go down at all." I bit my lip and looked at the three boys that I called my best friends.

"Yeah, yeah I like that. We go together or we don't go down at all." Vic repeated smiled back at me. (Okay if I wasn't such a kellic stan then I would ship Vic and Tay so hard no lie)

"It's 12:30 right now and church ends in like 15 minutes which means my step dad will be home at 1. We gots to go now." Kellin stated. We all grabbed our stuff and went outside to Vic's car.

"SHOTGUN!" Mike shouted.

"Yeah, no. Kellin sits up front with me." Vic turned down Mike.

"Fine. I'll just sit in the back with Tay." He muttered. I chuckled and stared out the window as Vic pulled out of the driveway.

Life's full of exits and entrances and now I'm taking the exit I should have a long time ago.

Lolol the puns in this chapter are great. But anyways there's tays background story thingie.

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