Ch. 14- There Was Always Something About You

Start from the beginning

Louis spoke again, breaking me from my thoughts. “What do you think of this?” He held up a silver tank top completely covered in sequins. I squealed to show my excitement, and ran over to the boy to grab the shirt and get a closer look.

“This is perfect Loulou.” I sent him a cheeky smile to show I was not only fine with his nickname to me, but wanted to give him one of his own.

“That would look lovely on you” I heard a deep voice from behind me say. I turned around to find that the voice was none other than Harry’s. His eyes were doing that thing where they sparkle ever so beautifully, making every girl in America’s heart melt at the sight of them.

“You think?” I blushed a little. In all of this Ashton nonsense, I had forgotten all about how excitedly nervous and happy I got around Harry. It was almost as if I had moved on completely, but of course, I was being snapped right back into my… crush, or whatever you’d like to call it.

“I know. Try it on if you’re unsure.” He said. I did as told and walked over to the dressing room, shirt in hand. I was suddenly pulled back by a pair of strong arms.

“Wait! Try these with it!” Louis handed me a pair of plain black jeggings and a pair of silver metallic pumps. I had no idea how he got his amazing sense of women’s fashion, but I was extremely thankful for it.

I walked out as confident as I could, but probably failed, being that I still can barely walk in heels.

“You like?” I asked a bit too unsurely.

“I love.” Louis said.

“You look fantastic” Harry followed, standing in his normal pose, straight as a board with his arms down straight and hands clasped together in front of him.

“If only I had something to wear this to…” I trailed off.

“Caycay. You’re touring America right now. With One Direction. We’re the most exciting people on Earth. You’re bound to have something to wear that too.” I laughed a little at Louis’ words, even though they were completely true. My life had been a lot more exciting since the tour started, and I needed to get dressed up a lot more than normal lately.

“Alright, I’ll get it. Everything. And some accessories!” I said excitedly. “Can’t have a perfect outfit without accessories!”

I then noticed how well the boys were being. Yes, I knew Louis had his little diva side, and he was great at helping me shop, but still, they were both GUYS. In a store mainly for GIRLS. Harry wasn’t complaining, or wishing he was with the rest of the group eating, or anything like that. They were both helping find a perfect headband as best as they could. Even though Louis had his fashonista moments, he was still a guy, so he wasn’t perfect at picking out accessories. Neither was Harry, but that was expected. Harry was just sort of standing there quietly, looking around the area at the random necklaces and rings. He’d occasionally point one out, but I would just laugh and tell him that what he pointed out would totally clash with my new outfit. He was very patient, and very calm as he stood there with nothing to do, smiling at everything around him. He was adorable, really. Just like always. The near thought of him being next to me made my heart smile.

The three of us then found our way back to the rest of the group, and sat talking, until a 9 year old girl found us and started screaming. Of course, once people realized who was in the mall, EVERYONE came running after us. We were getting MOBBED. Thankfully, a store owner let us hide out in her hat shop for a while, till security got there.

At first, when security opened the doors to let us out, I was scared for my life. I thought the girls would trample and kill me. They tried to run after us, well… the boys, but failed, thankfully, because of security holding everyone back. We left in a single file line, with Alainey in front, followed by me and then the boys. I guess whoever was behind me could tell how tense and scared I was, because I suddenly felt someone grab my hand for comfort as we left the building. To this day I’m still not sure of who it was, I never saw any pictures of me leaving the mall, and of course when I was walking out, the only thing I could focus on was getting out alive. But one of the boys wanted to remind me that they were there and I was safe, which was totally comforting and awesome to know.

We got back to the hotel 20 minutes later, and Alainey and I went straight to our room. We laid in our beds, laughing about the day we just had and talking about other random stuff, till she suddenly said out of the blue that she wanted to go for a walk, alone, and that she’d be back in 20ish minutes. I asked if she was ok, which she replied with a simple ‘oh yeah, don’t worry about me, I’m perfectly fine!’ and a convincing smile, so I let her go with no questions asked.

After she left, I turned on the TV to try to entertain myself, until I got a text. It was from Ashton, and he was asking me to go outside my room for a sec. So I did as told, and he was standing there in the hallway, patiently waiting for me.

“Hey you” he said with a cheeky smile.

“Hey” I said back a little shyly.

“Wanna come with me somewhere real quick? It’s not far, I promise. We don’t even have to leave the building.” I gave him a questioning look, but agreed.

We got stepped into the elevator, and I went to press the lobby button, but he stopped me, and instead pressed the top floor button. I gave him yet another confused look, to which he shot back a look that said ‘trust me’.

We got to the top floor and walked down the hallway, until we reached a door to a staircase. Ashton opened the door and motioned for me to go through, which I did. He then led me up the flight of stairs and out another door. I realized quickly that we were on the roof. He grabbed my hand and led me over to where there was a piece of concrete that looked enough like a bench for us to sit on.

“Like it?” He asked, looking out at the city in front of us.

“It’s… beautiful up here. How did you know how to get roof access?”

“I asked the front desk.” He paused, still looking at our surroundings. Up above, there was a plane flying high and the sun was just setting. Below us, hundreds of cars and busy people raced around the streets, finding their way home, or to work, or to wherever it is they were going. “I wanted to find the perfect place to talk to you.” He said, still looking out. “Alone.” He now turned to face me, making heart stopping eye contact.


A/N: Ok, so if this chapter was boring, I'm sorry. I wrote and rewrote this one like a hundred times. The next chapter gets a lot better. Promise.

Anyways, haven't updated in a long time. Sorry for that. I already have the next like 3 chapters written and edited already. Just waiting for more people to read these last few chapters then I'll update more :)

You know da drill! If you know the song the title lyrics came from, comment and stuff.

Also, dedicating this to @MalikIsSexy cuz I told you I'd dedicate a chapter to you a long time ago haha (sorry it took so long!) anyways. GO FOLLOW @MALIKISSEXY (:

have a lovely day

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