Ch. 9- Red Lipstick On & High Heel Stilettos

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A/N: Ok so I think I've decided to update more frequent, shorter chapters. Is that cool with yall? or would you rather have longer twice a week chapters? Lemme know in the comments :) Also the outfits and such will be in the picture down there>>

Also, what I have pictured for Alainey... she kind of LOOKS like Kate Hudson in that picture. Not saying she IS Kate Hudson :)

Ok coolio. I'm dedicating this chapter to @xXAlinaBaiQueenXx !(: ennnnjoy


I brushed my long brown hair over and over again until it looked perfect. It was just like it always was when I didn’t have a stylist to do it or much time to do something cool…. It stayed stick straight, with the front pieces bobby pinned back. This time, my “bangs”, (or what were supposed to be bangs but really were just strands of hair that were almost as long as the rest of my hair), were neatly braided back. I had Alainey help me with that, cuz I couldn’t braid for shit.

According to a text from Harry, the place we were going to was kind of nice. I didn’t mind, I love dressing up every now and then. I smoothed out my strapless high low dress, which was white sequined at the chest area and, from the belt area down, all a plain light pink. I adjusted my lipstick and took a deep breath in the mirror. I was ready to go.

Alainey looked gorgeous as always, with her super long, curly blonde hair. She kind of reminded me of a young Kate Hudson, post Almost Famous. She was also wearing a high low dress, completely by coincidence. Hers was a solid baby blue, and it looked lovely with her tan skin color and adorable freckles that stood out on her face.

“Ready?” I asked, taking another final deep breath.

“Ready!” She said, grabbing her silver clutch and throwing on her metallic silver flats. She was lucky she was tall and didn’t need heels, unlike me. I was wearing black wedges with that cork looking stuff at the bottom, I never knew what to call it. Anyways, I knew I’d be uncomfortable in them. But, being on tour and occasionally having to sing and dance in stilettos made me grateful that wedges were invented.

We walked out of the bus to be greeted by Ashton, who looked shockingly attractive. I had never seen him in anything but a t-shirt and skinny jeans. He kept his skinny jeans but traded the tee for a very nice grey silk button down. I’m not gonna lie, it was kind of hot how he had his sleeves pushed up so you could see his muscle-y forearms.

Clearly, Alainey thought the same thing, cuz she was basically drooling the second she saw him.

“Hey, Ash” I greeted my friend with a hug.

“Hey, Cayley. Alainey.” He smiled back to us.

We chitchatted about that evenings show for a few minutes, until Harry arrived. If Ashton looked attractive, Harry looked…. Drop dead perfect. He had on his usual black skinny jeans, a white button up collared shirt, and a very nice looking black blazer. Now it was my turn to be the one drooling. I guess I was being obvious, because I felt Alainey nudge me gently, snapping me out of my daze.

Harry greeted us and complimented us on our dresses. Such a gentleman, that Harry Styles.

We got in the car and before we knew it, we arrived at the restaurant. It was very fancy looking, lots of people dressed up in business clothes and such.

We stepped out of the car to see a bunch of paparazzi flashing their cameras at us.

“Harry! Harry! Are you two together?” one of them shouted.

Harry just laughed and shook his head no shyly.

“Is this a double date? Cayley, are you dating Ashton?” Now it was my turn to laugh. I called it, they’d think we’re dating. Not that I minded, we’d make a cute couple. More thoughts that I really shouldn’t be thinking.

As It Seemsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें