Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V

I was awoken by someone pushing me out of my bed and low an behold it was JJ

"Hey get up we have to leave in like 10 minutes" he said then walked out of my room, I got up off the floor and changed into a random jumper and joggers. After putting on my shoes i walked to Simons room and walked in

"Hey Si are you ready to go I think the others already left" I asked him as he was putting on his shoes

"Yeah let's go" he said standing up, we walked out of the hotel and got some food before heading into Pax. once we got to our booth we just sat down at the table and waited for people to come up. Of course I was asked to sign things, for hugs, and for pictures, we did this for a while before i saw Dakota.

"Hey Dakota" I said, I'm honestly surprised i could see her so easily. She's really short but it's cute.... um forget I said that. She walked over to me and the guys while looking down at her feet

"Hey why are you hanging your head down look up see the world" I said with a little laugh, she looked up at me with a smile

"How are you" she asked

"Good I've met some fans and how are you?" I ask her

"I'm fine just kinda tired" she said, when she talks she dose it very quietly like she's trying not wake someone or something up. I don't mind she probably dose this cause she's shy

"Hey do you want to walk around?" i asked her

"No it's fine Harry I'll leave you so you can meet your fans" she said

"Hey Harry come over here lets get a group photo" Ethan said waving my over to him snd the guys 

"Ok hold on" I said, i looked back to say bye to Dakota but she was gone man can she move quick. Through out the day I didn't see Dakota at all a long with the rest of Pax, it's like she just vanished. I mean I have dan's number, I think I'm gonna write her a letter cause that's something she likes.

Dakota's P.O.V

It was the 4th and last day of being in America, it's been really fun so far i have meet some nice people saw some friends. I just want to stay in bed all day but Dan walked into my room

"Get up lazy bones we are going shopping and just walking around" Dan said jumping on my bed

"Dan stop you're going to brake the bed" I said giggling

"I am not now get up" he said getting off my bed and walked back to his room so I could get ready, i got up to take a shower. I change into a red jumper another pair of black jeans and some black vans, i put on my make up and brush out my hair and kept it down. I walk to Dan and Phil's room to see if they were ready to leave

"Come in Kota" Phil said

"How did you know it was me?" I asked him as i walked in

"I don't know I just had a feeling" he said, i walk in to see Dan just sitting on his bed and Phil putting on his shoes.

"Ready?" Phil asked

"Yeah I am now the question is Dan are you ready?" I asked him in a joking matter

"Hahaha yes I'm ready" He said, we walked out of the hotel and into the streets of Boston. We stopped at many different shops and fooled around with different things we found and posed like we were models, even though we're clearly not. We bought some things and then just walked around the city eventually we hand to go back to the hotel to gather our things and head back to London, once we had our things we headed to the airport and headed home. Now the flight back home seamed a lot shorter than the flight to America

"So Dakota how did you like your first in America?" Phil asked

"It was really fun I'm so happy you guys brought me along" I said giving both of them a hug

"It was no problem, I think we should do this next year too" Dan said looking at Phil

"Oh absolutely it was fun" Phil said, we called a taxi and went home. I almost fell asleep in the car but Dan kept nudging my side so I wouldn't

"Dan stop i just want sleep" I said with a tired voice

"You can sleep when we get home" He said now shaking me, I groan then start to laugh cause Dan was just right full of energy. We got home and walked in, i just walked into my room and fell onto my bed then just fell asleep. I woke up at like 10am knowing the guys their both up, I walk out into the kitchen and get some food and coffee. I made some eggs and toast once i had that all ready I sat at the breakfast bar and ate, i went on to twitter to see all the Sidemen guys had started to follow me. I giggle to myself cause i didn't really talk to the other guys as much as I did harry, I followed them all back then went back to my room. As soon as I sat down on my bed Phil popped his head in

"Hey wanna do a video with me and Dan?" he said with the biggest smile on his face so I couldn't say to no to him

"Sure what are you guys doing?" I asked him getting up and walking with him to the lounge

"We're doing 'Just Dance' video and we thought that you would have fun doing it with us" Phil said, I giggled at him and we walking in the lounge to see Dan setting up the camera and the Xbox.

"So are you ready to be in your first video with us?" Dan asked

"Yeah this should be fun" I said, they both walked in front of me to block me from the camera and did the intro

"Hello Dan and Phil Games dancers" Phil said to the camera

"Nice one Phil, so if you couldn't tell by what Phil said we're playing Just Dance 2k17 and not only that we have a special guest which is non other than my sister Dakota" Dan said and moved but Phil didn't he was playing around with the game "Phil move your blocking Kota"

"Oh sorry" he giggled and moved, I waved to the camera

"Hey guys" I said

"So Kota since you're the guest what song shall we do first?" Dan asked me, i flipped through the songs

"Let's do Sorry by Justin" I said

"Oh christ ok lets go" Dan said, the song loads and we got connected. The song had only began and Dan was already freacking out

"What the fuck kinda move is this Jesus on a fucking boat" He said not hitting any of the moves

"Dan what's up with you and putting Jesus on a boat?" I ask

"I don't know but it's the first thing that comes to my mind and oh my god Phil this is the only time I will let you dab" he said

"Dan look at Kota she's getting perfect for almost all of the moves" Phil said

"How the hell are you doing that?" Dan asked

"Um I know how to dance and I pay attention on how it moves and what the next move is" I said, once the song was over i had won

"Well i see how this video is going to go" Dan said, we did many other songs then stopped. They did their outro and ended the video

"Well that was fun" I said calling back into the chair behind me

"Yeah cause you won all the songs" Dan said

"I guess those dance lessons payed off" I said, Phill laughed and put everything away then they were off to edit the video, I went down to check the mail to see there was a letter addressed to me

"Who could this be from?" 

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