Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Dakota Howell and yes you heard me right I said Howell, I'm Dan Howell's little sister or as most people know him as Danisnotonfire. I live with him and our friend Phil Lester or AmazingPhil. I graduated high school last year and my birthday is on March 11th, 1998, so my birthday is tomorrow I'm turning 18. Well enough about me let get this going.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon and feet scattering around in the kitchen. I checked my phone to see that a lot of people have wished me a happy birthday on twitter, I smiled and thanked everyone for the wishes.

"Phil be carful you don't burn yourself" Dan said and Phil giggled

"I won't" Phil said. I got up out of bed and walked down to the kitchen to see Dan and Phil back to me staring at the stove. Dan looked at me not knowing what he saw then looked back at me again and jumped

"Holy shit Dakota you jumped the shit out of me" he said holding his hand over his heart

"Good morning Dakota" Phil said with the sweetest smile

"Good morning Phil and you to Dan" I said with a giggle

"Morning and happy birthday sis" Dan said bringing me into a hug

"Thank you bub" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Happy birthday Kota" Phil said

"Thank you Phil" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek too

"We made you birthday pancakes and bacon" Phil said handing me a plate with pancakes and bacon on it also have I mentioned how fucking cute Phil is and how sweet he is. He's too squishy to live and to adorable to die, if you get that reference I love you.

"That you guys" I said taking the plate out of Phil's hand and sitting down at our table

"Oh yeah Kota" Dan said sitting down in his sofa crease along with Phil sitting down next to him

"Yeah Dan?" I ask

"You might want to pack for about 4 days and get ready to go somewhere" Phil said

"Wait why?" I ask looking at them in confusion

"Um well we're going to pax and a holiday and we want to take you with us" Dan said

"You're kidding?" I ask in disbelief but also with excitement in my voice

"No we're serious, after you eat get ready cause the taxi will be here in 3 hours"Phil said, I ate kinda quickly because I'm excited to go this will be my first time in America. I skipped to my room and got my suitcase, I threw some outfits in in and my needed things. After I was packed I got dressed, I put on my Slytherin long sleeve, some ripped black skinny jeans, and my combat boots. Before I went back into the lounge where Dan and Phil were I threw my long brown hair into a pony tail, I walked back to the lounge and sat down in the only chair we had in here. I opened twitter to see Dan and Phil tweeted a me

Dan Howell

@LittleHowell Happy birthday little sis! It's hard to believe that you're 18 now, it feels like yesterday I was 7 holding you in the hospital after you were born. Well I hope Phil and I can make this the best day ever for you love you Dakota! <3

And Phil's Tweet was

Phil Lester

@LittleHowell Happy 18th birthday! I know you're not my sister but you sure feel like it, I know Dan and I can make this the best day for you! Love you like a sister Kota! <3

I smiled at the tweets the tweeted back

Dakota Howell

@Danisnotonfire @AmzingPhil thank you both for those lovely tweets I love you guys with all my heart and I'm glade you are in my life, you guys are the best brothers (even though Phil isn't my real brother) Love you guys! <3

I look over at them to see them smiling at their phones. 3 hours has past and it's time for us to hard to the airport to go to America!

"Are you ready Kota?" Phil asked me grabbing his bags

"As I'll ever be and hey Dan didn't wait util last minute to pack" I said as we walked out of the flat and down the stairs to the cab that's waiting for us

"Really funny Kota, and it's cause Phil made me before you woke up and he stood in my doorway while I did" Dan said

"Nice job Phil" I said with a giggle, we got downstairs and into the cab Dan and Phil sat in the back and I sat in the passenger seat. Phil told the driver where we were going and we were off, I looked out the window and watched all the cars and people that we pasted and the closer we got to the airport the more I filled with excitement. Now this isn't the first time I've been on a plane, Dan, Phil, and I have been to France and other places in Europe this is just my first time to America and I'm so excited to explore and see what it's like over there. I'm also excited to meet other people but I'm not at the same time, you see I'm like Dan I don't really like talking to people or being around a large group of people but I do like making friends but it's hard for me because i stay right away from everyone and I'm really shy at first. I think it runs in the family... actually thats a lie our mum is really outgoing and so is our father so I don't know where Dan and I got it from, and how funny our mum gave us names starting with the same letter 'D'. I don't mind it i just think it's kind weird, we pulled up at the airport and got out of the cab, we got out bags and thanked the driver then headed inside. I look at all the people sitting walking to board their planes and people just getting off their planes, we walked to the gate where our plane will be and sat down and waited for it. Dan and Phil are on their phones while we wait but I'n not I'm still looking around and I see a little group of guys standing not that far from where we are and when i say a small group of guys there are like 7 of them. They were all tall like my broths but I think two of them are taller than Dan and Phil, the 4th tallest one looked over at me and smiled then the other guys looked at who he was smiling at and I turned my face so they couldn't see me, my heart was pounding.

"Kota you ok?" Dan asked tapping my leg

"Um yeah I'm fine" I said, dan looked back at his phone and i looked back at the group of guys and see the boy with goldenish brown hair that looked like a mop but a cute mop looking at me from over the shoulder of his tall black haired friend that had a beard

"Hey dan i'll be right back" I said standing from my seat

"Okay but come back here when they call seats 20-30 cause we have seats 20, 21, and 22" He said

"Ok" I said i walked by the little group of guys into a little store that they were standing in front of, as I walked by them I heard this

"Josh what Hotel are we.... I'll be back" the boy said and followed me to the shop, I stopped in front of a little display of sunglasses and he stood beside me and when he did he toward over me

"Hello" he said

"Hello" I said looking at him from the corner of my eye

"Where are you heading?" he asked turning to face me

"I'm going to Boston, Massachusetts" I said turning to face him, he had pale icy blue eyes and some scruff on his face

"Hey I'm going-" He was cut off by the intercom saying

"Now boarding seats 20-30 for Boston, Massachusetts"

"I got to go" I said i walked out of the store and back to Dan and Phil

"Hey are you ready?" Phil asked

"Phil you have already asked me this and yes i am" I said giving him a hug and Dan one too. We got on the plane and took our seats then waited for everyone else to board, I put in my headphones and laid my head bock on the seat. 

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