“Whatever? That's all you're going to say? You're Ally Dawson,” he said.

“So it's just a name,” I said and started to walk away.

But then he grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. “Ally wait,” Austin said. “Just tell me, you're going to let Cailyn just do this?”

“Yeah, just letting her have her way. And I guess being popular.just wasn't my thing,” I said and turned on my heal and walked away.


I don’t know why Cailyn is just like that with me? I get bored thinking about Cailyn and walked over to Austins house. His mom answered the door.

“I’m here to see Austin,” I said to her.

She called Austin’s name to come down stairs and he did.

“Hey Ally, what’s up?” he said kind of confused because I don’t usually come over his house.

“Oh, I was just wondering of we could working on some homework?” I said.

“Oh, that’s a great idea,” said Austin’s mom.

I smiled.

“Yeah I guess,” he said in his if I have to voice.

We worked on some of our home work for an hour but mostly talking though.

When we got done, it was quiet for a couple of minutes. Then Austin spoke up. “So, who are you going to hang out with now at school?”

“Alexis,” I said quickly for some reason

“Who does she hang out with?” he said.

“I don't know,” I said quickly again. “Well I guess I better to get going before my dad starts yelling at me for being late.”

“Bye,” he said.

I grabbed my stuff and quickly walked out. I don’t know why, I just wasn't to get lot of there quickly. I check my watch, 6:28pm. Dad is going mad, he doesn't like me going to friends house past six. I get home and walk in worth dad readimg some pieces of paper.

“Where have you been?” he asked me.

“I was—just uh, at a friends house,” I said nervously, he scares me.

“You’re suppose to come back before six of I don't know!” He yelled.

“I’m sorry,” I said plainly. I used to cry went he did this. Destiny and Alexis helped me not to cry and other thing too with my dad like cheating on mom (which he still does).

“Don’t you have something to do? Like get lost?” He yelled.

My eyes started to tear up. I ran up stairs, and slowed down once I’m up stairs. I walked by the guest room and looked in it. My eyes started to tear up more. I miss Destiny being my friend. I lied to Austin about hanging out with Alexis. I’m just hang out by myself. I walked in the guest and see that Destiny left her note book here. She draws in there, writes in there like me. Wait, she writes in there. What did she write? I grabbed it and looked in it. She has had this since third grade. The first page shows three stick figures holding hands. Then there is an arrow pointing to the first one, it says, Alexis. The second arrow says Destiny. And the third arrow says Ally.

This makes me tear up even more than I'm already am. I flipped through some more pages. I see the date. It says:

January 1

Happy new year!! I’m here with my best friends, Ally and Alexis. Oh yeah. Was such an awesome new year!!! Me and my BFFs hanging here in Ally’s house. Here is some words from Ally and Alexis.

Hey!! Alexis here. I’m just going to say, Destiny is the most awesomest person in the worlds then Ally. But tonight we dressed up like eighties people. Twining...

Hey this is Ally Dawson. We just stayed up for new years and are planning to pull an all nighter. Hope we do! -Ally Dawson.

Tears falled down my face.

I read more.

January 6

A new girl moved here from all the way from New York to Flordia. Wow. But she wants Alexis and Ally not to hang out with us. I'm like: why? She is like: “I don’t know girly.” she said nicely. She so nice to me. Just not to others for some reason... 

I ran out of the room and into my bedroom and jumped on my bed and cried. I just noticed that I still had the book in my hand. I chucked across the room.

I ended up crying myself to sleep.


*Couple months later*

“Get out of the way loser!” said Cailyn yelled at me.

My eyes started to tear up. I just kept on walking.

“You just can't ignore me!” she yelled at me again.

Yes I can. I thought to myself.

I walked faster. All of the sudden, someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back so I landed strait on the floor. Ouch, that really hurt.

“Ha, you fell!” said Cailyn.

I tried to get up but she just push me back down. I started to cry.

“Haha. No one likes poor Ally Dawson and never will,” said Cailyn. She kicked me really hard on my shin. I whined. She laughs. “Now scram!” She yelled. I get up and ran away. 

I ran to the bathroom and just cried in there.

Austin’s pov

I was walking to my next class and I saw Ally run into the bathroom with tears falling down her face. I get worried. Why is she crying? I looked around for a girl and founded Alexis. 

“Alexis, I saw Ally run into the girl's bathroom, can you go in there and see why?” I asked her.

“Uh, sure,” she said.

“Thanks,” I said.

I watched Alexis go in there. A minute later I see Cailyn walking out of the girls bathroom. I rushed over to her. “Cailyn,” I said.

“Yes?” she said all flirty even though she already had a boyfriend.

“Did you see Ally in there?” I  asked her.

“Yeah, why do you care about that worthless thing?” she said. 

“Why do you hate Ally and Alexis?” I asked her now impatient.

“Because, when I came here, Destiny wanted to be my friend, and I don’t like little ducklings following me,” she said.

“They wanted to be you’re friend too you know?” I said.

“I don’t care. Where I was from, I was always the popular one. Just me and my other friend. I didn’t have puppy dogs following me,” she said.

“They were Destiny's friend first.”

“Don't care, in middle school, I’m going to be their worst nightmare,” she said and walked away liked she has had enough of this conversation.

I turn around to see lexis and Ally. Ally ran up and hugged me. “Thank you,” she said.

“For what?” I asked. How long has she been there?

“Everything. You are the best friend in the whole wide world,” she said.

“No problem,” I said, smiling.


How do you like it? Please tell me.

You say Cailyn as: Kay-lin.

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