"I don't think that's going to be necessary, A. Ruby, give Snow and I a couple minutes to talk and we'll let you know, okay?"

I mean it was better then nothing, so I pursed my lips and nodded my head, "Sure"

Outside the sitting room, Will and I stood, not sure what to do next. Sighing, I walked over to the wall opposite of the doors, and I took a seat on the floor, leaning my head against the wall and closing my eyes with a tired sigh.

"You think this could work?" He finally spoke after what felt like forever, and I could hear him begin to pace. I shrugged my shoulders, keeping my eyes closed.

"Guess we'll have to wait and see"

Silence again. He stopped pacing and I could feel him then turn in my direction.

"That Aurora chick seems to really be into me"

I opened one eye and looked up at him, but I didn't say anything as I saw the smirk on his lips.

"Does that bother you, kitten?"

"Shut up" I shut my eyes as I listened to him laugh at that. In a few short moments, I heard someone plop down beside me, and I opened both my eyes and turned my head to the right to see Will sitting beside me, his head back against the wall and his eyes closed.

"So where is he then, huh?" Will broke the silence again and I  omit used to look ove fat him.


He opened his eyes and turned his head so that he was looking at me, "Your Prince Charming"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't have one"

"A pretty princess like you without a Prince Charming?" He mocked a gasping sound and I pushed his shoulder, resisting a smile, "I find that very hard to believe"

"Hey, not everyone has a Prince Charming, you know. The world is a messed up place"

He scoffed, "Of course they do, kitten"

"Goldie Locks didn't"

He rolled his eyes, "Goldie was a thief and then was executed. That doesn't count"

"Of crosse it does," I shook my head at him before looking straight forward and shrugging my shoulders again, "Besides. The way I see it, this whole kingdom plays by different rules"

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"You know Jasmine? She married a homeless thief. Some stranger kissed Aurora and she married him... and then killed him. Cindy and her prince claim that it was love at first sight, but really, they were two hormonal teenagers who their parents told them not to see. And Snow? She's my best friend and all, but she lived with seven men before she got married, and if anyone else lived with seven men that they aren't related to, that's considered treason"

"Just because they all sound like weird events, how does that mean that they don't have a Prince Charming in the end"

"Do explain"

"They all got married out of love. And they're all still together. I find that that's what true love really is. It doesn't matter how it happens. Except for Aurora. She was just power hungry from the beginning"

"Then when am I going to find my prince? Who is he going to be?"

Will was silent as he shrugged his shoulders, and he glanced at me from the corner of his eye with a sly smile. I immediately knew what he was suggesting.

"You? My Prince Charming? Yeah right"

"Gee, Ruby. Thanks for the love" he rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Will. You and me?"

He shrugged his shoulders again and laughed, "I mean why not? It's a possibility"

"Possibility my ass," I blew it off, "And what do you suppose our story would be? I fell in  love with a dog who ate my grandma?" I joked. I looked back over at him and he didn't look like he was in the mood to joke around with me like that. He didn't look at me and he stared straight ahead, his eyes dark and downcast. We were silent the a tension started to develop around the two of us.

"Will....?"  My voice was quiet as through the silence as I awaited a response from him.

"'What big eyes you have' you said to me," his voice was low as he talked, and I felt chills go down my spine, "The better to see you with, my dear. 'What big hands you have' you said to me. The better to hold you with, my dear. 'What big teeth you have' you said to me,"


"You didn't ask me about my heart, Ruby. You didn't talk about how big it was"


"It's big enough to love you, kitten," he finally looked at me, his eyes hiding what ever emotions he was feeling right now, "You could be my princess if you wanted to. And I could be your Prince Charming"

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