RED - 7

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"And why exactly are we supposed to help him?" Sleeping b*tch, Aurora, asked as she looked Will up and down. Though I caught the disdain in her tone, I also didn't miss the appreciative look in her eyes as she took in Will's, admittably, attractive body.

I looked at Snow White and Cinderella, my true friends in this, "He saved me from getting killed. Doesn't that make him redeemed or something?"

Cindy tapped her chin with her index finger, "Well yeah... but that's just one situation. He's done alot of bad things before then, Ruby"

She had a point, but I still had to try.

Will stood next to me but slightly behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at him, silently telling him that I would get this all figured out. The look he gave back to me was anything but understanding.

I looked back at the girls, "Snow, Cindy, c'mon. He's a good guy. Don't you think that if anyone should decide if he lives or dies, it should be me?"

"Certainly feeling the love over here, kitten"

I whipped around to face Will, "Twilight, you can make it out of here dead or alive. It's up to you whether You want my help or not" I gave him a sarcastic smile and he rolled his eyes before giving me one back. I turned back to the girls.

I caught the looks on their faces at the exchange between Will and I, and I rolled my eyes at them too, "Snow, you know me. You know that I wouldn't just ask you to spare. My grandmothers murderer and my own personal stalker unless it was something  important"

"While you're at it Red, why don't you tell them about the time I kidnapped you twice, bit you and, oh yeah, almost killed you countless times" Will piped up again, and I turned back around and looked at him.

I ignored him, "He wants to live, and... I kind of want him to live too. Can't you do something so comes out of this alive?"

Snow looked over at Cindy and she looked at Snow. I could them contemplating what to do. They were my best friends and they wanted to do what they could for me. Aurora on the other hand, rolled her eyes and stood, the slit in her pink dress exposing the side of her leg. She casualty walked over to Will, her fingers touching his arm, his chest, and her eyes searching his.

Will licked his lips and smirked at her, not breaking eye contact with her as he tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Ruby might have a point," she shocked me by agreeing with me, "And he's easy on thee eyes, which isn't so bad" she smirked back at Will before she turned and strut away from him, leaving him to watch her leave.

Something in my stomach made me sick at what I just witnessed between the two of them and I rolled my eyes and looked to my two friends to see what they would say, "Okay, so let's say that we do let him live. Then what? Where is he going to go? What are the people of the kingdom going to think about us playing favourites? Where is he going to live?"

Before I could respond to her questions, which I honestly hadn't thought about, Aurora surprisingly beat me to it, "I have an idea. Why doesn't he come to my castle with me, and he can be my," she paused as she caught Will's eye again, "Prisoner of sorts"

"I don't think-" she cut me off.

"Nothing to worry about Ruby, I mean you can come and visit maybe once a month. I'll take good care of him, I swear" she winked at Will and I felt like throwing again at the innuendo.

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