You Imposter

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                                                                         Amber POV:

          After fighting with everyone some more Man-Turtles came around and ask for one of us to come with them and pointed to Anego.  Kyu-chan of course wanted to go but Anego said no she will go alone. Then some amazing speech that Kyu did that I wasn't really paying attention too.  Then Man-Turtle came around with some turtle guards came then Kagura kicked the cell down. Then we left the cell.

" What are you doing," yelled some Turtle Guards

" FIRE!!!," they yelled again and started shooting

We all hid behind the Man-Turtles shell

" Out of the way Old man," said Madao as Gin-san was on top of him, " You don't have much longer to live so let me live!"

" You probably won't have a decent life anyway so let me live," Gin said 

" The old man has a point," I said 

Then I look to my right and see Katsura doing some Avatar stuff with his hands. Surprisingly he wasn't getting hit.

Then Kyu, Kagura, and I jumped on the jail cells and started jumping back in forth with me in the front then Kagura, and last Kyu.  We got to the end and started taking out the guards.

We then became one with the Turtles by wearing their shells.

" If you guys dont want to be caught you have to become a Turtle." said Man-Turtle

" Become a turtle you barley even a Turtle you imposter," I said 

" Whats going on over here," We hear somebody say 

We look and see Kagura with tears in her eyes on the ground.

" Somebody get some help she is about to have her eggs," said someone

I facepalmed

Why am I with these people again

After we settled everything down Pachi started to get mad at her 

" That's too realistic," said Pachi

" What you said to act like a real Turtle and so I did," Kagura replied innocently

I sweatdropped


We got near the so called throne and Pachi suggested that we split into three groups.

" We can split up by dividing our powers up evenly," said Man-Turtle

He then pulled out something an put it on

" What is this I swear i have seen it in a manga," Said Madao

" Its a spouzer," said Man-turtle 

" WHAT thats basically  a ripped off version of a scouter and you just changed the name," I said 

" No its a spouzer i won it in a raffle," he said

We did Pachi which was average the we did Madao.

" WOW the Madao has a pretty large scale," said Man-Turtle

" There is no way," I said

" See you guys always said I was useless," said the Madao then he tok off his sunglasses

" Oh it went down it seems the sunglasses has the fighting ability." said Man-Turtle

" HAhAHAHAHAHAHA thats just the sun- hahahahah glasses have a better fighting bwhahaha ability then you," I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eye that sound wasn't even coming out and looked like a dying seal

" Oh so if thats how its is then you do it," said Madao

" Okay, " I said and went to get measured 

" WHAT its keeps going up its over 9,000," said Man-Turtle then the scouter exploded in his face

-------------------------Time skip-------------

Gin and Zura retuned to normal as well as everyone else. I'll give you a small recap Kagura and Kyuu bailed because they didn't want to get stuck with the geezers leaving them to me and Pachi. Then we ran from the guards with me carrying them. We found a room with a body inside. Found out how to stop the aging then Gin and Zura left to destroy. Then Destryoed and the whole ship and we got out alive. Thats the whole recap.

( Sorry For the short chapter I felt it dragging and decided that it will be a recap chapter the next Chapter and then the Romance will begin )

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