Chapter 2. It's Just Too Much!

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No one's POV.

Leia and Han sat in her apartment leaning their heads together as they sat on the sofa, to them Lydia had only been gone 20 minutes. Chewy had left with Luke to see if she appeared anywhere in the Alliance base. "Han?" Leia asked breaking the silence as she lifted her head off of Han's shoulder, "yes sweetheart?" He said looking to her. "Do you think Lydia is dead?" She asked him ending in a whisper. "N- I don't know sweetheart, I want to believe she is alive and well somewhere, but I don't know." He began then told her. Leia sighed sadly and rested her head back on his shoulder. "I suppose you're leaving again soon aren't you two?" Leia asked Han after a long pause, he sighed. "Sweetheart, I am not going anywhere until this is all sorted." He told her as he took her hands in his and kissed her forehead. She smiled a small smile and looked up at him, then slowly she leaned forward until their lips met. The kiss was slow and gentle, almost as if they were saying goodbye. When they pulled away they just stared into each other's eyes lovingly. Then the door to Leia's apartment slide open and Luke came in with Chewy right behind him, and Han and Leia's moment came to an end. "We weren't a- why is your face red Leia? And why do you have really pink lips Han?" Luke began but then accused them. "We- a-" "we were-" they both began at the same time, only for Luke to interrupt them. "You were- kissing?" He said making a grossed out face, Chewy, who was behind Luke, looked at them shaking his hairy head. Neither Han not Leia said anything, but Han wiped his mouth while Leia looked anywhere but at her brother.

"What were you saying when you came in? Did you find our daughter?" Han asked changing the subject. "Yeah, right. We weren't able to find Lydia, she's nowhere in the base. I'm really sorry guys, but, I think she's gone." He finished sadly. "No!" Leia yelled and ran into her bedroom, the door sliding closed behind her. She sat on her bed with elbows on her knees and her hands over her face and cried for her lost child, the child who had yet to really live. First her 16 year old son Kylo Ren ran away, then she read a letter her daughter left for her and found out Kylo Ren joined the darkside. Then her husband, the man she loves with her whole being, decides they need a 'break'. And now, her youngest, her only daughter could be dead. It was all just too much! She sat there and cried for what felt like hours but was only minutes, Han came into the room and sat next to her and put his hand on her back comfortingly. "Oh, Leia. Please don't cry sweetheart." He said desperately when she let out a sob. And he lifted her up and into his lap, as he hugged her tightly to him. He let her cry into his shoulder as he stroked her back, trying to comfort her. "I-it's just not right! Why is it that I have to lose both of my baby's and you too! It's just too hard!" She sobbed into his chest and Han finally released what a toil his leaving had taken on his wife, he instantly felt guilty 

"Leia, shush, calm down sweetheart, it's okay, everything will be okay." He told her as he laid her on the bed as she began to make herself tired from all that crying, he laid down next to her and pulled her to him, his chin resting on her head as she drifted off. "Everything will be okay, I promise you that. I love you sweetheart, sweet dreams." He whispered to her and then let sleep take him as well.


Hello!! So I was gonna end this short story but then I realized I wanted to fill in some of the gaps, such as how Leia and Han saw Lydia trying to end her brother. Notice how I said 'trying', but I'll get more into that later. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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