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Hey guys,
So I'm sure most of you know by now that Carrie Fisher, our beloved Princess Leia, passed away yesterday at the age of 60. Last week on her way back from London she had a heart attack 20 minutes before she was to land in CA, she was unconscious and hadn't woken up at all, then she died. I was and still am so sad by her death, it was just so sudden.
She was also strangled by her own bra in outer space.
But she will always remain our Princess of Outer Space.
R.I.P Carrie Fisher.


So, my best friend just informed me that Carrie Fisher's mom Debbie Reynolds has passed away today at the age of 84. I watched her when I was a little kid in Halloween Town.
I am so saddened that both these amazing people have left us. R.I.P Debbie Reynolds.

R.I.P Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. You both will be missed dearly.

Lydia Solo The Daughter of Princess Leia and Han Solo Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu