Chapter 4. The Battle Has Begun.

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The sand lead all the way to the Queen's chambers. I stopped outside the doors to her living room, I leaned forward and pressed my ear against the door, listening for any sign of movement. Nothing. I took my head off of the door reached my hand out and slowly opened it, just enough to peek into the room. Sand pored out of the small gap, nearly knocking me over, I carefully regained my footing and looked through the gab in between the two doors. There was sand everywhere, I couldn't even see any of the furniture, the sand in some places must be at least 3 feet in thickness. I opened the door wider and stepped in, carefully I walked through the thick sand, or more like I crawled over it. I found one of the Queen's doors was open, I made my way over to the huge wooden door, there were engravings of trees that were covered in gold on the door. I looked into the room and stopped in the 3 feet of sand. There were many bookshelf's lining the walls, each filled with really old scrolls, in the middle of the room sat a huge round table with three chairs knocked over on the floor around it. There was a lot more sand around the table- but not just sand- there was also drops of red on the sand.

I looked more closely and saw that the drops of red started at the table and ended at another door- the door looked to have been hidden in one of the bookshelf's but had been left open by whomever the blood belonged to. I slowly made my way over to the door, taking extra care not to touch any of the blood on the sand. I made it to the door and looked in, I gasped as I looked into the room, the walls were covered from floor to ceiling in tree roots, the floor was made of not sand, but dirt, and the ceiling was made up of leaves. But that wasn't what had made me gasp, no- it was the fact that laying in the middle of room, on the floor of dirt- was Queen Lilith. She was covered in blood, I rushed forward and knelt down beside her. "Queen Lilith, what happened?" I asked her, she had her eyes closed but she was still breathing. She opened her eyes and turned her head so she could see my face. "He's here, Kylo Ren. You mustn't let him take the kingdom Lydia, you mustn't. It's up to you to save everyone." She said in a raspy voice, "but, I don't know how to save everyone." I said shaking my head. "Yes you do, even though you might not realize it, you do." She told me, her breathing was beginning to get calm and calmer. "Promise me you'll take care of them, of him?" She asked me as she looked into my eyes, I knew who she meant by him- Martin. "I- I promise." I said, I was not really understanding what was happing but I promised anyway. "Good. Now, my sweet child, I think it's my time to rest." She told me and closed her eyes, then her whole body went still, and her breathing stopped. Queen Lilith was dead.

I sat there shocked, starring at the once lively Queen. Her abdomen had a big round spot of blood, I looked closely at it. Only one thing could do the damage that had been done to Queen Lilith, and that was my brother's lightsaber. I heard the sound of someone entering the room, but I didn't turn around.  "Well, well, well. If it isn't my dear little sister, Lydia. How's the Queen doing?" Kylo Ren asked as he stopped behind me. "I am not your sister. I could never be a sister to a man who kills innocent people- people who you don't even give a chance." I said coldly as I looked at all the dirt. Kylo Ren laughed. "Whatever you say Lydia. I must say though, I am rather annoyed I have to kill you again. I mean, how did you even survive?" He asked. "I do not know." I lied.

"Lydia, you know what you have to do?" Asked a woman's voice, I looked up to see Padmé, she was standing at the other end of the room with a worried look on her face. "Yes." I said through clenched teeth, I hated the fact I had to do this, but it had to be done. "Yes? What do you mean 'yes'?" Kylo Ren asked confused. I laughed a humorless laugh, I had forgotten that he couldn't hear or see Padmé. "Nothing to worry your pretty little demented head about." I said as I grabbed a hand full of the sand that had rained into the room and slowly up off the floor. "What are you going to that? Throw it in my eyes?" Kylo Ren asked as I turned to face him and he saw the sand in my hand. "No, but you will regret ever harming these people- and me." I said sweetly as I smiled the most wicked smile I ever had. "Wha-" Kylo Ren didn't get to finish because I threw the sand I had been holding and focused all my emotions on the sand around him. Kylo Ren was sent back wards and with that, the battle had begun.


Hey guys!!

Really sorry for not updating, I've been busy with getting ready for school (I start on the 6th) and I've been volunteering at a state park, so I haven't had much time to write this story. Plus, I've been having HUGE writers block with this story, so that makes it hard.

Well I'm going to stop wasting everyone's time now, bye my dears and thanks for reading, voting and commenting!!!!


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