Chapter 31. Fool's paradise.

Start from the beginning

"So what? You can't do anything." He snickers.

I narrow my eyes at him and hum.

He stares at me, maybe having flashbacks to when i kicked his d.ick forty minutes ago and shook his head.

"Ok you can do anything but let me be honest with you, hearing an explanation from someone my tears got dried out because of them is better than me." He says while he turns the car and stop infront of what looks like a dumbed park with a sign saying

Welcome to the alphabetical park.

"Why did we stop here?" I ask looking around, seeing nothing but trees.

"Because we are going to walk." He says, shutting the engine of the car off.

I snap my head quickly to him, i swear my neck bone almost got broken.

"Walk?" I ask widening my eyes.

"Yeah, walk." He says getting out of the car leaving me speechless.

In this dark and cold forest, i am going to walk in high heels and a sleeveless thin/short dress? He must be kidding me.

Wait, why didn't i thought of this? Like what if that lucky blue smith is a serial killer and he wants to kill me? He just drag me here by telling me Zayn is alive to be just an easy appetizer to him?

Also he mentioned being Zayn's enemy in the beginning so i believe that he wants to revenge for himself by killing me.

I am not sure of the serial killer thing but he's one hot serial killer and i would like to be killed by him. My subconscious hum.

Why can't you be at my side once?

Because you say so many things that makes no sense, a serial killer with six million dollars? Wake up Annabelle, you're not that important. She say shaking her head.

I groan annoyed by all these bad thoughts that suddenly showed up in my mind.

Breath Anna, if he wanted to kill you, you would have been dead by now. I tell myself trying to calm down.

I guess so but what if he wants to rape me?

A knock on the window beside me made me jolt in my place, i almost screamed my lungs out, i look to my left and found him raising a questioning brow at me.

"Would you please get out of my car?" He asks, opening the door for me.

so you can kill me? hell no.

I stare at him suspicious and didn't move a leg.

"What?" He narrows his eyes.

"It's past midnight and you think i would come with you to wherever you want to go in this dark woods? No i am not going to leave." I say crossing my arms over my chest stubbornly.

"Zayn was right about you being stubborn as hell but he didn't tell me you were a bitch too." He says.

Did he just call me a bitch?

Ah-oh here starts world war three.

"Did you call me a bitch?" I ask, climbing out of the car, slamming the door behind me.

"You heard me." He smirks smugly.

"You gonna regret that you motherfu-"

"Woah hold on baby girl." He says interrupting me, raising his brow looking at me up and down.

I stare at him fuming with anger.

He sure knows how to say baby girl very well. She faints again.

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