Seriously? The Snowboarder?

Start from the beginning

"Now go on to your new family." And with that Roger grabbed my duffle bag and we headed out the door to their SUV.


Their house was only about ten minutes away from the gym, which I realized after we passed the gym. It was gorgeous. Brick on the outside and 2 stories. When Roger parked the car, I jumped out, my ponytail swinging behind me. Roger and Cathy helped me grab my bags and then led me through the front door into the entry way.

"Welcome home Erin!" Cathy and Roger said to me and then gathered me in a hug.

"Kids we're back!" Roger bellowed and two adults ran down into the hall to greet us.

"Hi I'm Jesse. I'm the oldest and welcome to the family!" The male, who I guess is now one of my brothers.

"Oh my God! It's so awesome to finally have a sister! I'm Kari." The blonde said to me and crushed me in a hug.

"Tomato where are you?" Cathy yelled up the stairs and a ginger with long red hair came running down the stairs.

"Hey I'm Shaun! I'm your new youngest older brother!" He said with a goofy grin. I gasped. I knew who he was. He was THE Shaun White. Pro snowboarder and skateboarder.

Shaun's POV

I came running down the stairs after my mom called me. I knew the girl who was standing there. It was Erin Miller. The gymnast I saw on tv and youtube yesterday. I decided I wouldn't say anything yet. "Hey I'm Shaun! I'm your new youngest older brother!" I said with a goofy grin and I saw her gasp.

Erin's POV

"Y you're Shaun White!" I stuttered out.

"And you're Erin Miller!" he responded. I was shocked that he knew who he was.

"I watched you on tv yesterday. You were amazing!" He said noticing my confused expression.

"Oh I guess I should introduce myself. Umm well I'm Erin Miller, now I guess Erin White. I'm 13 and I'm an elite gymnast." I managed to get out blushing by the end. I mean seriously, I was in the presence of Shaun White.

"Why don't we head into the kitchen?" Cathy stated. So with that we moved into the kitchen, Roger saying I could leave my bags in the foyer. We started with some small talk, just wondering some basic things like my birthday and where I used to live.

"Iowa? So how did you get out here?" Jesse asked after I told them I was an Iowa girl.

"My family came out here so I could go to a training camp. We were planning on driving back after two weeks but then some stuff came up..." I said, trailing off towards the end.

"How about tome cake? I made it myself!" Kari said with so much enthusiasm it made me giggle.

"You're giggle is so cute! Jesse exclaimed.

"So how much cake do you want, Erin?" Cathy asked.

"Just a sliver, I get really hyper if I have to much sugar!" I said grinning sheepishly.

"Just like Shaun!" They all exclaimed. The cake was delicious. Fudge marble with chocolate frosting.

"So how did you know me?" Shaun asked a little later.

"I grew up in a snowboarding family. My mom and dad did it for fun and then they brought my siblings and I to the resort. My older sister and brother competed in slopestyle along with my twin brother. I loved the halfpipe though. I used to compete but then I stopped competing about a year and a half ago to focus more on gymnastics. I still would go to the resort with my friends, Tony and Jared and we would go to the halfpipe and work through our tricks. Tony and Jared would get really scared when I would throw new skills. They would wimp out a lot though on new skills. I was the daredevil of the group. I was never scared of the new flips. When I was 6, I would stand on the jumps and do standing fulls off of it. My family watched all of your competitions we could. It was just a name that I grew up hearing." I said telling them about my family's snowboarding heritage.

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