★ Chapter Forty-One ★

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Alexis' POV*

I heard a knock at the door and scrambled out of bed quickly. I opened the door and Hook was standing there with a bright smile.

"We're almost back to your land. Just thought you might know." He said.

"Well, I live in the middle of the land. How will this ship get me there?" I asked realizing this. He just laughed.

"Don't worry. We'll get there. I went and sat down on the bed and tried to sleep the rest of the way in fear of getting sea sick.. again.


"Ma'am. Ma'am. I think this is your stop." I heard someone say. They shook me awake and I opened my eyes tiredly to get a look at the man who woke me up. He had dark hair and a clean shaven face. He wore a black t-shirt and jeans and looked oddly familiar to Colin O'Donoghue.  I stood up from my bus seat and followed him off of the bus.

"I didn't want to wake you but I'd seen you around town a while back and figured this was your stop." He told me. I smiled at his kindness.

"Well thanks uh-"

"Killian." He finished.

"Right, thanks." I said before running off towards my house. The weather was pretty cool which was unusual for this time of year. I don't know why I picked out capris and a tank top. I knocked on the door of my apartment and my mother answered the door.

"Oh Alexis!! We've missed you so much!" My mom squealed hugging me.

"Yeah, two years in Africa didn't seem as long as it really was." I laughed.  I'd missed her a lot.

"Where's that little Robbie boy?" She asked.  I felt my stomach sink when she brought it up.

"He, He died in an accident." I stuttered trying not to cry.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." She said hugging me. I only cried harder.

"And there's one more thing.." I said. I took a deep breath in fear of what my mom would think. "I'm pregnant."

The End.

The Heart's Desires. {Robbie Kay}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ