★ Chapter Twenty-Five ★

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Alexis' POV*

I felt something grab me but it was something I couldn't see. I screamed and cried and tried to get away but it was no use. I felt its grip tighten as I was raised off of the ground by my arms. I tried fo jerk away from whatever it was but I couldn't get out of its grasp.

"ROBBIE!! NO!" I yelled. I couldn't loose him. No no no no no. This can't be happening. I can't leave yet. I felt him try to grab onto my feet but I was pulled higher into the air before he could do anything. I was hysterically crying and fighting to break loose. I watched Robbie until I couldn't see him any longer. I looked up to see the silhouette of a shadow. I shrieked and heard laughter.  However, this laughter seemed no different than mine.

"Stop trying to get away. There's no use fighting it." The shadow echoed into the night air.

"Can't blame me for trying..." I mumbled. There wasn't a response and I sighed. This was going to be a long trip. I felt exhaustion overcome me and I felt my eye lids drooping. It was coming like a wave and I felt my head start to drop. Gosh why was I so tired all of a sudden? I decided to fall asleep. Maybe I'd wake up and this whole thing would be over...


I hit the ground hard and I groaned. I opened my eyes to look up at the shadow. I could really see it now. It had Robbie's exact outline but it had no features besides eyes. It flew away leaving me lying in the dirt. I brushed of my jeans and held my head. Gosh that hurt.. I stood up surveying the area. There was a water fall about 20 miles away. I'd read that the churning water cleans it so I figured I'd get water from there.  Shelter would be another story... I started walking towards the waterfall when I felt a rock from the ground hit my shoulder. I looked down confused at how it happened when I noticed other pebbles and sticks falling, well, up. Within moments I felt as if the world flipped upside down and I fall back onto the moist soil as if nothing ever happened. Robbie warned me that Neverland wasn't how I expected, and he sure was right.

I searched anxiously around me to see if there was anymore tricks I could avoid but I didn't see anything. As I walked towards my destination, I noticed a little path. Maybe someone had built this path.. I followed it slowly to see where it would take me. I watched my feet and not ahead of me. After I felt like I'd been walking for forever I looked up to see the exact same scenery. The trail didn't take me anywhere. Oh how I wish Robbie was here to help me out a little...

I walked along the shrubbery and just decided to follow my own road. I needed fresh water to survive and my plan was surviving. I ran quickly through the forest as I noticed it beginning to get dark. My throat was dry and my voice was hoarse. I needed something to drink desperately. It was getting pretty quiet when I heard scuffling behind me. I was frightened at first and turned to look. Nothing was behind me but what I'd already passed. When I turned around there was a brick wall with a sign on it reading 'Dead End. Go Another Way.'

"Really?!" I yelled at the sky. I was infuriated.  I walked along the brick wall looking for a way around it.

"Ah hah!" I said to myself. There was a small tunnel-type entrance in the middle of the wall. It was kinda high for me so I had to stand on a rock. I pulled myself up and made it in. I crawled along the dark hole following the light at the end of the tunnel. This island is so weird. I thought to myself. As I peeked out of the other end of the tunnel, I was startled by a boy, about 16 years old, standing beside the hole.

"Yur knew her ain't yah?" He said.

"That obvious?" I joked as he helped me down. 

"Yeah. Why didn't yah just fly over the wall?" He asked me. I scoffed. Does he really think I can fly?

"Because. People flying is irrelevant ." I said giving him a weird look. "I thought you needed fairy dust to fly anyway." I explained.

"Anyone can fly in Neverland.  You just gotta believe in yourself. And we ain't got no such thing as fairies here." He said confused as to why I'd think that.

"Oh, well, I don't believe I can fly. What's your name?" I asked.

"It's Jeremy, but people like to call me Germ." He said proudly. Germ isn't a nickname I'd be proud of.

"So what's your name miss?" He asked.

"Alexis, but you don't have to call me miss, I'm only 16." I said giggling.

"Well I'm sorry miss, er- Alexis, but where I'm from, 16 year-olds are men and women. That's why I came here. I'm 16, but I don't needa get married.  Ever." He said grinning wildly.  He had a twinkle in his eye that made him look lively and young. I thought about what he said and then remembered Robbie telling me some of the boys he met have been here since the 1700's...

"Well Germ, would you mind helping me out? I was supposed to come here with someone special but it just didn't happen..." I said feeling the sadness overwhelm me.

"Well, if you don't mind me askin, who was 'sposed to come with ya?" He asked concerned.

"My boyfriend. He used to live on this island years ago. His shadow seperated us though... Robbie won't be here until tommorow.." I said letting a few tears fall. I wiped them away quickly so he wouldn't see me.

"His shadow?? Wait. You mean the shadow of the island? You musn't never speak of it." He whispered worriedly. His eyes full of fear.  "And did you say Robbie???" He asked excitedly.

I nodded. "Yes. Did you know him?" I asked happily. 

"Did I know 'em? Hell he was like my brother!" He said, that twinkle returning to his eyes. It made me smile just thinking about him.  I needed him here with me. I just wanted him back..

"His shadow- er- uhm. It's bringing him tommorow.  Will you help me find him? Please." I pleaded. He nodded.

"Of course I'll help you. You can stay with me tonight." He said welcoming.

"That would be fantastic. Thanks Germ." I said hugging him. He hugged me back and walked me to his tent. It was small but it had enough room for the two of us to sleep in.

"So are you the only boy on the island?" I asked knowing Peter Pan had lost boys.

"Eh. I'm sure there's other people but it's been a while since I've run into someone." He said. "But it's fine most of the time. Gets lonely. Robbie and I used to camp out together sometimes to make things less lonely. But you get used to it." He shrugged.

"Yeah.." I mumbled biting my lip. I curled up in the corner and watched the sunlight disappear through the thin material of the tent. It was pretty much made up of leaves and sticks but it was sturdy. The leaves felt thicker for some reason... This island is just.. strange.

"Goodnight Germ. Thanks for all your help." I said starting to fall asleep.

"Night." He mumbled watching outside of the tent. I wondered if he ever missed his family or friends he left behind. If he had any. I wonder if that's who he's thinking about right now as he watched the orange cream sky melt into a purple gumdrop one.  I knew that I'd spend my night wanting Robbie's arms around me keeping me close and warm and wishing I had his sweet, soft lips whispering 'I love you.' and kissing my neck. Gosh I just want him here with me right now. I feel like my heart is breaking.

|| If you were a fart, I'd hold you in because I wouldn't want to let go of you...

Too much internet for one night... Thanks everyone who's been reading, voting, and commenting! It means the world to me! Love y'all!

The Heart's Desires. {Robbie Kay}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora