Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

I looked at the two men in front of me. They both equally look like John. I remember hearing how much he would talk about how proud he was of them both.

I took a sip of my water and smiled at them.

"It all started when I was only ten years old. I was part of a very happy witch coven. We was witches, but we are Christians. We only work for the greater good. We lived peaceful lives. We cured people. We was loved, and we loved in returned." I said closing my eyes.

"My grandmother was the Coven Queen. I was to be the next queen. I wanted to be just like her... Then there was an attack." I said. "We was hunted by werewolves. We hated wounded animals so we would heal any thing or anyone who needed it. And we was healing their enemies and the humans alike. And they couldn't have that could they?" I told them.

"Cause how would the humans fear them if all they needed was for you all to heal them right?" Sam asked. I nodded. "That's right. Word got out that I was to be the next coven Queen. So they came to kill me. Many have tried but all have failed. But all those who have tried weren't strong enough to handle us." I sat my cup down.

I sighed and sat back as flashbacks came to me.

"I was bitten and the werewolf venom infected me. I became a hybrid. My people feared me. But soon I was able to control the wolf that was forced into me and was able to get stronger.... Even though the wolves couldn't kill me, they kept trying. Soon... when I turned twenty one, it was time to choose my life mate." I said ending it with a sigh.

"Many came to me for power. None actually wanted to know me. None were my true mate. So I was going to stay alone till I found him. But later that night, while I was asleep, I was kidnaped by the wolf pack." I shuddered as I could see everything that had happened when I woke up.



I woke up and it was dark, and cold. I was in a moving vehicle. I didn't know what to do? I knew I'd need to save my energy to get out of this.

"You heard the Alpha. We aren't to hurt her." A voice said before the doors opened. I closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep. I felt arms wrap around me and lift me up. I was carried to another place. I don't dare to open my eyes so I wouldn't get caught.

"Alpha. We've finally got her." a voice said in front of me. "Good. Bring her in." A deeper voice said. I was soon laid down on what felt like grass.

"I know you are awake princess." The deep voice from earlier stated. I opened my eyes and sat up to look around. I was outside like I thought. Wolves and humans... Well werewolves in there human forms. They was surrounding me.

Making sure I don't try to escape.

I gulped and forced myself to look at the Alpha. He was looking away from me. I could see smoke coming from him. 

"So your the Alpha who has been trying to kill me?" I questioned. He turned and I noticed he was a handsome man who was smoking a pipe.

 He turned and I noticed he was a handsome man who was smoking a pipe

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He had some gray in his dark hair. But for some reason it made him even hotter. But I knew he wasn't my mate.

"Kill you? No. That was my plan before. But now. Now you are a powerful Hybrid. Someone I could use." He said walking to me. I stood and stood my ground. I would not show weakness in front of him. Not him or any one.

"Now you are worthy prize." He stated grabbing my chin and lifting it up to make me look him in the eye. "A prize. I am willing to steal for myself." He purred looking me up and down with a smirk. I glared and shoved him away.

"Your clan has hidden you away from me so many times. Now I have you back in my grasp." He said circling me, looking me over. I clenched my fists.

"I am not a prize to be won. I am my own being. I choose who becomes my king. My heart chooses my life mate. Not you." I said bravely.

He just chuckled at me.

"You are just a firecracker aren't you?" He teased. I growled wolfishly and muttered a spell.

He wants a firecracker lets give him a firecracker.

Flames flew from me and flew at him and I was blown into the air and flew off.

"I will find you princess! I will have you as my mate!" He shouted.


*Flashback over*


"I made it back to the camp and we left the country. But so they arrived her as well. We ran into your father after the last attack, Apparently to win my heart, one of the clansmen tried to become stronger. You see. In our clan. To get stronger, you must gather evil souls. But in his desire, he became darkened. Started slaughtering the innocent. We helped John defeat him. But his tirade gained the attention of the dreaded wolf pack. So my mother, grandmother and I personally went to your father and begged for protection." I felt my cheeks heat up a bit at the memory.

"It was the first time I ever saw him. When I first saw him." I gripped my heart, a big smile on my face. "I felt my heartbeat quicken. I felt butterflies in my belly." I giggled shyly as I noticed the two brothers smirk at me.

"I knew I had found my mate. But I couldn't do anything. He wasn't a clansman, or a wolf. He was human. Once a witch finds their mate, and they mate their souls are connected. One cant live with out the other. Once mated. If the other dies. The other will die. So as you can see I am alive and well. Then so is your father." I said.

"We can talk more in the morning. Come. I'll set up the guest rooms. I'm sure you two are hungry. Your father told me you love to eat Dean. How about some homemade chicken soup and homemade bread. I have some left over apple pie left from yesterday." I said. I saw them perk up and Dean perk up even more when I mentioned pie.

I giggled and went back to the kitchen to heat up my leftover soup from dinner today. I had gone out and went check our garden and farm animals after I had eaten.

While they ate I went to the get the guest rooms set up for them.


I smiled at Dean who was shoving pie into his face. I giggled when Sam came in after his shower and shook his head at his brother. "I'm happy your enjoying it. I love to cook, and bake. I just wish I had someone to cook for. It's been so lonely since John left. I miss him." I said with a sigh at the end.

I stood.

"Well your rooms are ready. Dean. Get a shower before getting into bed. You stink." I said, before headed to my room. I could hear Sam burst out laughing. It made me smile and giggle before going to my room to get ready for bed.

After I changed into one of Johns shirts I climbed into bed and held his pillow to my chest and curled around it. I inhaled his scent. I could feel my inner wolf whimpering from missing our mate.

"John I miss you. Please. Hurry home." I whispered before letting sleep claim me and I dreamt of my beloved husband and mate.

John Winchester. 

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