Sacrifices must be made

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The commander took a fist full of Ophichus's shirt. "Where the hell are they?! Or I swear I'll kill all of your friends!" He hissed in his face. Ophichus turned his head. "So you're  gonna play like this are you?" The commander chuckled and grabbed a handful of Taurus's bright hair.

"Tell me." The commander asked again, nearing the dagger to his neck. "They are at the reactor!" Cancer blurted out. The commander gasped and let go of Taurus. "God damn it." The commander clenched his fists and left them all and ran down the hallway.

Everybody felt like they could breathe again but Ophichus stared mournfully at Silver. "I am so sorry." Ophichus sniffled. "We need to go help the others!" Libra helped Sagittarius up. "Ya lets go." Taurus agreed.

"Alright who knows how to work this thing?" Leo looked at the fancy blinking buttons. "I got this." Capricorn cracked his fingers and quickly pressed multiple buttons. Leo walked over to a worried Aquarius and brushed a strand of hair from her anxious face.

"It's ok." He said in a soothing voice. "No it's not, stop sugar coating it and tell me the truth!" Aquarius stared into his eyes. Leo took a deep breath. "I have to sugar coat things, it's my defense when I am nervous." Leo rubbed a thumb on her smooth cheek.

Virgo was silent, she felt if she spoke she would throw up. "Hey you ok?" Scorpio came from behind. "Ya I am fine." Virgo gently hugged herself. "You know, unlike Aquarius, you aren't very blunt." Scorpio laughed. Virgo suddenly gave Scorpio a big hug.

Scorpio chuckled and hugged her tightly. He planted a firm kiss on her head. Virgo looked up at him and Scorpio took the moment to steal a sweet kiss from her. He looked at her and said. "Think of it as a parting gift, just in case."

Virgo buried her face in the fabric of his shirt and stayed there for a moment before pulling away. "Ok guys, once I press this button we have 20 seconds to escape." Capricorn gulped. "Only 20? You can't extend it?" Gemini whimpered.

Cap spent a few more moments hitting buttons. "Leo...I know I always seem cold and a bit distant, but, I don't want to be distant from you right now, or ever." Aquarius glanced at his lips and then moved to his eyes, giving the signal.

Leo tilted her head up and met her lips with a rough yet tender kiss, he was kissing her desperately like it was his last time, and it could possibly be the last time. They had to come up for air, Leo almost choked when he saw a tall figure standing behind Aquarius.

"You two done?" He threw a dagger. Capricorn screamed as it pierced his hand. "Cap!" Gemini gasped as the blood poured from his hand. Gemini yanked the dagger out and with her speed tried to run behind him and quickly get rid of him but he wasn't that easy.

He expected her to do that so he gave a good kick behind him. Gemini grunted as his boot sunk in her stomach, knocking the air out of her. Leo pulled Aquarius so she was standing next to him. Cap gripped his hand and was fighting the intense pain.

Leo went invisible. "Don't make this difficult." The commander grabbed some colored powder from his pocket and threw it in the air. An outline of Leo appeared. The commander side kicked him in the ribs.

A loud crack ran through the air. Leo suddenly had black spots in his vision and he found it hard to breathe. Aquarius went to Leo and shook him. Before Aries could even camouflage the commander grabbed him by the throat and tossed his aside. Pisces managed to chuck a barrel at him but it didn't seem to effect him.

He slapped her hard in the face, so hard she blacked out. Cap reached for the button. The commander grabbed his wrist. "Sorry boy." He smiled and snapped his wrist. Capricorn howled in pain and fell to the ground, writhing and straining with pain.

Leo slowly stood up and dusted the powder off of him. "No wait!" Aquarius gripped his shirt. Leo kissed her forehead and went invisible. "I beat you all! You think you can destroy this alien race?" He laughed loudly. "We just beat you." Leo said and pushed the button down. "NO!" The commander grabbed his throat and closed his fist slowly.

Aquarius screamed and jumped on his back. She took the dagger and stabbed him in between the shoulder blades so he couldn't move his arms.

He grunted and dropped Leo. Aquarius panted as she backed away to watch him turn around an give her an intimidating glare. "You will die." She said defiantly.

"Guys we are here!" Taurus burst through the door and sucked in air. "Stop staring and let's get out of here!" Aquarius helped Leo up. Taurus helped Cap stand and let him put his weight in Taurus.


They were halfway down the hallway and we're approaching the stairs. Zorfineans ran around in panic, not sure if what was happening. Aquarius felt a pang of guilt but knew, this had to be done.

"The door!" Ophichus saw it down the hallway.
They weren't going to make it, it was impossible. They heard a loud whirring noise.


"We are here to report a large explosion that can be seen within miles and it has been confirmed it is where the aliens have landed, we are forever rid of the horrible alien race and can go back to living in peace, we thank whoever sacrificed their lives to save us. "

K flicked the tv off and too his mask off. "Good job guys, I knew you could do it." He said quietly and laid on his sofa, closing his eyes and for the first time could sleep in peace.

The end

Also read my NON zodiac book called Sound of the Wind, a Japanese spinoff of my all time favorite drama

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