Act 3 Scene 2

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Enter Orsino
Orsino: Where are my servants? Where is dear Viola? The palace has never rung with such silence.
Enter Malvolio
You, were you not Olivia's mad steward?
Malvolio: Acute memory, Sir, for I am that same.
Orsino: Cured of Devil's touch, then?
Malvolio: What mean you, Sir?
Orsino: You were mad as Hell, yes?
Malvolio: So they did say. I think my mind clear as ever. The only possession was that of humiliation.
Orsino: You were done no kindness, that much is certain. Wherefore art thou here?
Malvolio: I think not of my humiliation any more. My thoughts are set instead on seeking what might've been.
Orsino: Why, man? What use is there in lusting for the past? The glory o' the future is brighter by far.
Malvolio: True, to one who would have a future. Any I might've secured was snatched from my fingers. Your courtier, whom you would now court, did fetch my Lady's affection far from me.
Orsino: For that I would show shame, but you stood no more chance with the Countess than any. Cesario, as she was then, had a charm unlike other.
Malvolio: So I saw, Sir. Would you join your mistress in eternal love now?
Orsino: That is the object of marriage. That same is the vow I'll make.
Malvolio: Sir, the wedding festival has been called off. Olivia is no longer fit to host.
Orsino: Whyever not?
Malvolio: Many rest eternal now. Wouldst thou care to join them?
Malvolio takes torch from wall
Orsino: Still madness possesses you. What dost thou say?
Malvolio: The fires of Hades rise against Illyria.
Malvolio throws torch down
The palace is engulfed

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