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Character creations:

Goran Fernando : MaryIsOnFire / SpaceDorks

The Actor : MaryIsOnFire / SpaceDorks a user

Logan Parker : brendvnurie

Riley Carter : brendvnuriemention a user
Robbie Winchester : brendvnurie

Kian Carter : brendvnurie and slightly me

Charlie, Prince of Tom Cats : brendvnurie

Carson Stark : mention a usermention a user

Jasmine : me

The Stranger : me

Flint the Husky : me

Mainly a Supernatural and Doctor Who crossover fanfic. However, it gets a little boring sometimes,so we've brought in several other characters from other fandoms. They belong to their respective creators.

Some context:

Stranger started off as a roleplay character. Stranger met the Winchesters (bar Riley) in a stupid game that a whole load of characters got sucked into, which was run by two psychopaths. The general gist was that each level was a multifandom adventure, and to complete the level the characters involved must find the portal. Usually there are a multitude of monsters and opponents to make this difficult, with the occasional zombie fangirl thrown in.

In this timeline, however, the game exists but all the participants' memories are wiped, so none of the characters remember a thing. The participants are deposited back to the time and place they were plucked out of, and this particular story picks up a short while later. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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