Chapter 1 - Summer

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"Mom, please!" The voice is begging. "Please, it will only be a couple of weeks before you come and Emma, Jane and even Victoria are going to be there!"

It was two weeks left to summer break and Julia's voice carried thru the closed door to Guinevere's room. She sighs; she doesn't want to hear this conversation. She slightly raises the music in the headphones, but it doesn't turn out the voices completely.

"That doesn't matter, if Gwen isn't going, you are not going either." She hears their mother say. "I am sorry, sweetie."

"I can take care of myself, I'm 16-years old mom. I'm not a little kid anymore!"

"I know that too, but I'm still standing by my previous condition." She can hear someone walking around downstairs, probably her little sister. Almost knowing what is going to happen next.

"Can't you tell her to come?! She wasn't even there last summer so...I mean everybody are missing her!"

"I know that. Even so, you also know why she don't want to return Julia."

"I know." Her sister says with a loud sigh, sounding despaired.

After a couple of seconds of silence, their mother starts to talk again.

"I can't force her, but you can ask her one last time."

She barely has time to finish the sentence before footsteps are drumming against the stairs to the second floor of the house. Gwen pulls the headphones out of the ears and takes another deep breath. She is not looking forward to this. She doesn't want to hurt her little sister. Reluctantly she turns her focus from the book she's reading, Romeo and Juliet, and turns her attention to the girl entering the room without even knocking on the door.

"Hi." Julia says. She smile hopefull, her blue eyes big behind golden lashes and the blond locks flying around her as she almost dances towards Guinevere's bed.

"Hi, Julia." She says patiently, waiting for her sister to continue.

"Gwen...I know you don't want to, but pleeeees?" She begs. Assuming that her sister already knows what it's about.

"No, Julia." She shakes her head slowly."I love you sis, but I'm sorry. I just can't."

"I know, but everybody is missing you and it's not going to be the same. I promise." She looks at Gwen with big puppy eyes, the look she knows her sister cannot resist. "You will be left here all alone otherwise, and what will you do then, work at the bookshop again?"

"That's my plan." Says Gwen. She loves to work there, and it allows her to do the things she love on her spare time. Besides she has to prepare for university too. 

"It's been a year since you were there, come on I know you miss it."

Actually, it has been two years since she visited the family's vacation house in the Hamptons. To be true, she can't deny she misses it, but she cannot bring herself to return.

"Pleeease." Julia says again, trying to persuade her sister.

"You know, I though I heard mum say you could ask me, but not force me." She says patiently.

She wished she could say yes, she loves her sister and would do almost everything for her. But to put her heart at risk, she is not so sure. But if Julia continues to look at her with her blue eyes and keeps begging, who knows what the answer is going to be. Julia probably guessed.

"Please? I will make it up to you, I promise." She thought for a while before she continued. "Mom isn't going to let me go otherwise, and you know what it means to me. I promise if you just come with me, you don't even have to leave the house. You may read or what ever you like the entire summer!"

It sounds great, it does. Although Guinevere is not quite so sure about the "not having to leave the house part" if she knows her sister.

"Okay." She says after a moment of hesitation and an almost instant regret. "I will come with you, but ..."

"Iiiiii, Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Her sister throws herself across the bed and hug Guinevere without letting her finish her sentence.

She could not resist her begging sister. And who says it has to be the same again? She can spend the entire summer writing and painting, doing the things she loves. The past doesn't have to repeat itself, right?


I hope you like it, please vote, follow and comment to tell me what you think :)  I hope that you will continue to read the story and give it a chance and I apologize for any grammatical errors.


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