We're not alright

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Ben POV:

I was just doing my research when I bright light flashes in the lab. I realize a bomb was set off. Luckily I was the only one in there and it's hard for me to get hurt. At first I thought it was something I did. But I realize that there is now a giant whole leading to the outside.

People, no soldiers come in and surround me. Before I can even get on the ground one of them shoots me with a tazer. I hear Hal yelling my name from somewhere outside but I can't respond.

They pull me too my feet and I'm starting to get dragged away. All I see is my older brother running towards me before I black out.

Hal POV:

Ben doesn't make mistakes. He didn't cause that bomb either. I see the whole in the wall first, then I see ben get shot. That's all it takes I yell his name, and the scariest thing, he doesn't respond.

They drag him up and his eyes lock on mine for not even a second before he passes out again. I scream again and by then he is out of my sight. Guns are being fired from all directions and I'm surprised I haven't been shot yet.

My dad is screaming my name to stop but I can't. I start running towards the hole when the soldiers clear out. When I get outside I see the aircraft and realize that they are still getting on. I sprint over to the door and run inside.

That was my first mistake. As soon as I get on at least 20 soldiers are staring at me and start towards me. But I have motivation, I've heard what they do to kids with spikes. They experiment which means ripping out spikes.

I see Ben behind all them. Remembering my days as a lacrosse player a barrel through all of them and see someone I never thought I'd see again. Pope is staring at Ben with a knife in his hand. Then he is staring at me.

"Apparently he wants to watch, but not yet." Pope says. Then I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything goes black.

Tom POV:

My sons are idiots. We watch the plane take off and I know my sons are on it going god knows where. I shake my head until people start gasping. I familiar figure hugs me and I still refuse to open my eyes.

The person kisses me and my eyes are open. All I see is my beautiful wife looking at me completely healed. I always loose when I gain something don't I?

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