93 - Point Of No Return

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"No, that's you," he teased, leaning forward and poking the tip of his nose against mine. "And do you realise we're making no attempt to keep our relationship under the radar anymore?"

I shrugged, not even bothering to see if anyone was watching us. "I don't care if you don't."

"You know I don't," he breathed, as he kissed me gently again. "What do you say we get out of here? Can I tempt you to accompany me to a club? I hear there's a great little place called Lagoon, not too far from here. It's very discreet."

"Lagoon," I mused, tapping my finger against my chin and looking at him out of the corner of my eye. "I may have been there before."

"You may indeed," he nodded. "I took a girl there once, bought her a bottle of Dom Perignon and showed off some of my dance moves. She was putty in my hands."

"Yes she was," I grinned. "She still is."

He beamed back at me, his eyes twinkling. "Come on. I'll call a car."

We stood up, and I caught sight of Maddie coming towards us as Harry rang Paul to come and collect us. 

"We're heading off," I said to her. "Where's Calvin?"

"Gone after Callie," she answered. "She was bawling her eyes out. What's happened?"

I felt a stab of misery at the thought of Callie's despair, but pushed it away as I exchanged looks with Harry. "Is he coming back?" I asked.

"I hope so," Maddie replied. "I'm supposed to be staying at his flat tonight."

As if on cue, Calvin strode through the doorway. "We're leaving," he said bluntly to Maddie.

"Are we?" she snapped, equally as bluntly. 

"Yes," he replied. 

"Is Callie OK?" I asked timidly.

"She's pretty upset," he said, looking directly at me. "I don't know quite what's gone on; she wasn't making much sense. I'm going to take her home."

I nodded silently, my guilt intensifying as I imagined the state Callie must be in, but my anger towards her was still too strong to be abated. 

"Do you want to talk to her?" Harry asked softly.

I shook my head. "No. I want to celebrate this evening with you, and think about everything else later. Tomorrow, maybe. Next week - next year, even. Definitely not now."

Calvin looked at me thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding once. "I'll make sure she's OK."

"Thank you," I said sincerely, and Maddie gave me a one-armed hug before they left.

"We don't have to do this tonight," Harry said as I picked up the bag containing my One Direction merchandise and Harry's hoodie.

"Yes we do," I replied. "And I want to. Our relationship means the world to me, Harry. Tonight is about us, and no one else. Nothing is going to come between us anymore."

Harry's phone buzzed in his hand, and he looked down at it. "Paul's outside," he said, picking up his laptop. "Let's say bye to Grimmy and Ellie."

We bid our goodbyes and thanked Ellie again, and then walked out of the house into the crisp night air where Harry's car was waiting at the end of the drive. We slipped into the backseat, and Paul gave me a nod and a grin. "Lagoon?" he said.

"Please," Harry confirmed. 

"Will there be paps outside?" I asked, as the car moved off.

"Very possibly," Harry replied. "Is that a problem?"

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