Chapter 5

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"Why did you run off the stage like a maniac?" Elsa questioned. I was in her tent. She looked at me through the reflection in her mirror. She was still in her whole outfit and makeup, which she was slowly taking off as I spoke to her.

"I couldn't do the trick without my brother. I'm real sorry." I said. I did feel bad, but all I wanted to do was be alone and cry. I didn't want to have to explain myself again.

"Your brother?" Elsa eyed me from her mirror.

"He died when he was a baby. He's the one that was telling me the cards." I explained.

"Where is your brother now?" Elsa asked.

"I... I don't know."

"Can you perform without him?" Elsa started, "I run a show and if you don't have anything to perform than I can't pay you. I'm sorry, liebchen. But this freak show is a business." She looked at me through the mirror while she talked.

"If you can't find an act without him, then I'm afraid you can't stay." She turned back to the mirror to wipe off her makeup, "It's nothing personal. It's just show business."

I didn't say anything and only nodded in response. Before I left, I smiled a little over at Ma Petite.

When I got to my tent, I collapsed on the bed. I was finally alone and I let myself cry for once. I didn't sob or anything. I just gave up and let the tears stream down my cheeks silently. The only sounds I made were the sniffles. I never let myself be loud in my crying. Never in my life.

I sat up suddenly when I heard voices. I wiped my eyes and tried to silence my sniffling when Jimmy walked in calmly.

"We wanted to cheer you up." He said as he walked to the bed. He handed me a cookie and a cup of milk. I smiled at the nice gesture.

"This is from everybody. We heard what Elsa said." I took the cookie and milk.

"This is very kind." I smiled gratefully.

"What are you going to do for your act?" Jimmy asked.

I sighed. I guess I would have to do what Roy wanted me to then. It's not like I had any choice now.

"I can do one thing." I said after I finished chewing the cookie. I set the milk and cookie down on the side table.

"What?" Jimmy asked.

I waved him over to come sit next to me on the bed. "Give me your hands." I said as I reached out mine.

"Are you sure you wanna touch these?" He said as he held up his lobster claws.

"Don't be ridiculous." I said as I kept my hands reached out to him.

He hesitated, but he put his hands into mine. I immediately felt his soul through the palms of my hands. I closed my eyes as I felt it go through my spine. There was a lot of painful emotions in it, but at the same time it made me smile. It was strange, but his soul reminded me immensely of the closest person I have ever had, my grandmother. I could feel myself smiling from ear to ear when I remembered her through him.

"What?" Jimmy asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"You just remind me of someone." I said, "I can feel it."

"What do you mean?" He asked. I closed my eyes.

"Your soul. I can feel it." I said. My smiled faded and I focused on the painful emotions that were still there.

"You have always felt abandoned. I guess it's because of your father. You never knew him, did you?" I said. I didn't like doing this, because I always could feel their emotions. It would take a lot out of me.

"How are you-"

"You have always been an outcast. You've tried to be normal. You can try to hide who you really are and pretend you are nothing different. But it's too hard for you to stay that way." I felt like I might cry as I felt what he was feeling.

"And you are alone. You've always wanted to fall in love, but girls are too afraid to have you touch them." My heart fell when I felt that go through me.

That's when he pulled his hands out of mine. I realized I might have brought up too much. It was the painful emotions that were the easiest to read and I probably made him feel all of them again.

"I'm sorry." I immediately said, "I'm sorry I brought all of that up."

"How did you know all of that?" He asked.

"I could feel it. Everything you were feeling." I said, "Sometimes I get things different. Just because the way people feel things are different."

"All that you said was right." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?"

"All that you have felt."

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