Chapter 1

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Thanks so much for checking this out. Haven't seen any freak show fanfiction so I thought why not.

This starts a little bit before the actual show starts.


The car stopped completely. I looked out to the red circus tents and RV's out in the field. A swamp surrounded the outside.

"What a dump." Roy said next to me. I smiled at his humour.

"What's a girl want with a freak show anyways?" The driver said.

"A job." I answered honestly.

"You don't look like a freak to me." He furrowed his brow.

"Tell him you have three vaginas." Roy said next to me. He was laughing to himself.

I tried to ignore him as I asked how much. I handed the money to the man and then stepped out of the car. I started up the dirt road to the tents. People, or freaks I guess, walked around. They stared at me from their places. I stood in the road with my one case that had everything that I owned in it.

"Who do you think I'm supposed to talk to?" I said quietly to Roy.

"Beats me. I guess just ask somebody." He was walking in front of me scoping things out.

I looked around unmoving. I didn't like everyone's eyes on me. I could feel all of them on my back as I looked around for something.

"Can I help you with something?" A man appeared in front of me. He snapped me out of looking around. I turned my attention to him. I watched as he crossed his arms. His fingers on his hands were joined together to make two fingers.

"Is this Fraulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities?" I asked.

"Of course it is!" Roy said in the background. He was poking around through things, "They got some weird food." He said looking into a pot, "Oh wait, I think those are beans." I tried to ignore him and focus on the man in front of me.

"Yeah." He replied frankly.

"I was hoping to get a job." I said.

He looked me up and down. "We only give jobs to freaks. This is a freak show."

"I am a freak." I cut him off.

He eyed me suspiciously, "How's that?"

I sighed. It sounded stupid every time I had to say it. "I can see dead people."

He chuckled. "How are you going to prove that?"

I bit my lip. I really hoped Roy and I's plan would work out. Roy started his way over to me and stood behind the man as we planned. I pulled the deck of cards out of my pocket.

"This isn't a magic show." He said.

"This isn't a magic trick." I defended.

I pulled out a bandana too that I had on purpose just for this trick. "Just so you don't think I am cheating. I'll put this on. I'll give you the deck of cards. You can look through them so you won't think that it's a planned deck of cards."

I handed the cards to him and then put the bandana over my face.

"Now pick as many cards as you want. It doesn't matter how many. 3, 10, 20 whatever you want." I stood with myself completely blinded, but I could feel some other souls, most likely the other freaks gathering around.

"Okay. I have 10 cards." The man said.

Roy started to name the cards off to me, I repeated all of them.

"And 3 of clubs." Roy said. I repeated after him and then removed my blindfold.

As I had felt before, there was somewhat of a small crowd of the freaks looking over the man's shoulder at the cards. They all looked at each other impressed. I smiled quickly glad that it had gone well.

"How'd you do that?" A man with strange flipper arms asked.

"The dead told me." I said bluntly.

"I'm Jimmy." The original man said, the one with the claw hands.

"Joyce, but people call me Joy."

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