I got tagged again! (A/N)

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Ok. Lets do this....(again)
1. Oh gee........I guess its Massaman Curry.
2. Creme brule. Its pretty lit.😉👈Get it? Because you have to set it on fire? Nvm.
3. A main role in Hamilton. *cough cough*maria or eliza*cough cough*
4. A small 2 room 2 bath house. Nothing huge.
5. Orange
6. 89% percent and fading fast.
7. Wednesday. 12/28/16
8. Fanfics are strictly online. Other than that, I like hardcover.
9. Totally relatable.
10. I'm not doing ten, how about 5.

The Big Book of Hamilton MemesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon