Mike X Reader Scenario #3 Part 3

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And Please, Read the A/N at the end it's very important & I'm very sorry. ):

Mikes POV

It's Wednesday morning and I'm on my way to school with the boys. They all know about my crush on Y/n but they also know that I don't like to talk about it much because of how sure I am that someone like her would never like someone like me. However, Will never shuts up about Jennifer Hayes. I decided that today would be the day I tell Y/n that I liked her and i would ask her out, damn. I really hope she says yes.

>Time Skip To The End Of Gym Class<

All of gym class has past and I still haven't said a word to Y/n, shit. We are all walking to the locker rooms and she's at the back of the crowd, with me following me behind her, fuck it here it goes.

I grab her wrists and turned her around to face me, i immediately flushed red

"Yes Mike?"

She asked me in that sweet voice of hers that I melt at every time

Okay, here goes everything.

"I've had this crush on you for quite a while now, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime..."

Out of fear I couldn't help but look to her for a reaction, and luckily everyone including the gym teachers had gone in the locker rooms so it was just her and I in the gym now. I just tried to read her face for any reaction but I couldn't find one so I just started to profusely apologize to her

"Y/n Look I'm really sorry I couldn't have kept this in and everything and I've liked you for so long it was just that-"

And the next thing I knew was that her lips were on mine, I said was very shocked at first to say the least but I soon melted into her kiss.

After maybe a minute or two we pulled away

"I've always liked you too Mike"


A/n, Please Read

Ew ew ew ew ew ew, probably my worst scenario ever! Okay okay so I planned this scenario being around 15 parts long but that completely failed, why? Well I wrote this scenario with Mike playing my crush who was in my gym class. But hey! Guess who got over her crush and didn't have any more inspiration to write? This bitch!

Yeah, but On the bright side for me I got over that stupid crush I had and found my own Mike! Yeah I started to like someone else right before the end of 2016, and to make a long story short. We both ended up having mutual feelings for each other and now we're dating! I'm extremely happy with him and he makes my days better.

{And If Any Of My Close Friends, And You Know Who You Are, Comment My Boyfriends Name Or Tag Him, You're Dead}

But the thing was that since I got in a relationship and got over my crush in gym class, I not only had no inspiration left to write but I felt bad writing about this because I knew who I originally portrayed Mike to be, my old crush. Which then in turn trying to write anything made me feel like I was cheating or something.

I am E X T R E M E L Y so very sorry that it had to come to this where i couldn't even write anymore. But On the bright side I will be writing a new scenario where Mike is portrayed as my Boyfriend, not my

Oh, and can we talk about how I hit
1 0 , 0 0 0 +
Reads?! That's absolutely and completely unbelievable! I love all of you to death for this honestly, and I'll do whatever you guys want me to do for when I hit 11k.

Very sorry, but i still send Much Love as always

               ~ Rachel

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