Mike X Reader Scenario #3 Part 1

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I don't usual do authors notes at the beginning but I assume that you guys are probably expecting some type of explanation to why I haven't updated for such a long time.

So yeah- sadly enough I am not dead, lol.

And if any of you follow me, you would've seen that I have been active, and yeah th may just seem like another excuse but times were and still are very hard for me.

I am actually failing all of my classes, finals were stressful as fuck. And, some of my friends at my school have tried to commit suicide and been put in hospitals and some have been writing death notes.

Right here may be a good time to mention that my inbox is always open for anyone and everyone.

So yes, massive apologies for not updating.

But heyyyyyyyy! I am on winter break now and I should be updating more frequently.

This Scenario Is Based On Some Of My Actual Life Events/Drama. And in this scenario a lot of my personal life is incorporated, just you know, with name changes...

Okeiiiiii here is the actual start to the 3rd scenario, I hope you all enjoy!


Ugh, Monday. You groan and force yourself out of your bed.

'At least This is the last Monday of the year'

You think to yourself, Thursday you have an early release at 12:55pm, then it's winter break for you! You felt a bit bad for the 9th graders who had to go to school on Friday for 'extra learning purposes'. You are in the 11th grade, and 17 years of age. You don't fit in too well with the vast majority of people at the school but, there are some people like you. You all call yourselves 'the Emo outcasts'. Most of you weren't that 'emo' to any extent but it just sounded better than 'outcasts'. You became very close to a majority of your friends back in 8th grade. But some you've been with for longer.

You used to be outgoing, extroverted and didn't fail all of your classes. But since the 4th grade when you had Ms.Walker and Troy moved to Hawkins and began to brutally bully you, everything has kinda been going down hill from there. Now you're failing Math, Science, Social Studies & Language Arts. But, you're acing all of your exploratory's, being Choir, Musical Theater, The Fundamentals of Art & Drama. You kinda figured out from a young age that you were more of an arts student.

You're always found wearing black or band t-shirts and ripped jeans with some old beat up converse. Nails painted black, chipped almost 24/7 considering how much you pick at your nails due to your anxiety.

You mom understands that you're an arts student, you feel that she is greatly disappointed in you though because of the fact that your constantly failing, even though she's always denying it.

But you always have your friends by your side.

There is Nicole, you've been friends with her since the 1st grade, this past summer the two of you celebrated 11 years of friendship. In 8th grade Nicole started to go through what you hoped was a phase, you and her used to talk badly about all the popular girls in the school, she was introverted and shy when she was younger, now she is 'one of those popular girls' that everyone hates. But for some reason she has still stuck by your side.

Mike Wheeler; Reader Imagines Where stories live. Discover now