Mike X Reader Scenario #2 Part 6

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Mikes POV

I just sat outside of Y/n's moms room while she talked with her mom for what felt like hours. I became completely lost in my own thoughts, 'What am i going to do?' Is all I can seem to ask myself. What if after all this time now that I realize that I love y/n, she doesn't love me anymore? It would've been easier to push those thoughts away if she hadn't been acting the way she is. I told myself that i would confess my feelings Friday night to her at the snowball, and in the meantime I'd try to show her how I feel; but she just seems to be pushing me further and further away. But I don't just want to give up on her, ever.

More time passes as I just stare off into space Y/n comes out of her room, she looks very happy which caused me to smile. Whenever she was happy, it made me happy.

"Mike! Guess what?"


"My mom is all better and she gets to come home today!"

"Oh my gosh that's great!"

No it isn't. Okay don't get me wrong I'm glad that her mom is okay and that Y/n is happy but this doesn't help my situation. I was gonna ride her over to the hospital everyday after school in another attempt of showing her my feelings for her, and with her already pushing me away what am I gonna do now?


You were overjoyed that your mom was all better and that she was gonna get to come home. The nurse had your mom fill out a few papers and then took them back to the front desk, she came backs and said;

"You should still rest at home and the chief will be driving you anywhere you need to go considering that you don't have a car and your meds make it dangerous for you to drive. The chief will be here in 3 minutes"

And with that, the nurse left the room, you mom packed up her Things and once you and her were both ready, you walked out of the hospital room. You began to walk down the hallway towards the exit- but then someone's cold hands grabbed your arm.

"Y/n?! Where are you going?"

You almost forgot that Mike was still with you.

"Home, my mom is all better so the chief is taking us home."

Mikes eyes seem to dull out; he looks like his soul has just been taken from him.

"Did you, did you still want me to ride you back to your house?"

Is he fucking kidding you? He needs to stop screwing with your feelings and stop babying you; you're an independent woman you can handle yourself.

"It's not like you'd want to ride me anyways"

And with that sassy tone you dramatically turned back around caught back up to your Mom in her wheelchair being pushed by the nurse. You reached the exit and opened the door for you mother and the nurse, you walked over to the chiefs car where Hopper was waiting, he opened the car door for your mom then for you. The car ride back to your house was silent, there really was nothing to be said. You reached your house and you hopped out and swung the door open and helped your mom out and into the house. Hopper asked your mom a few more questions before leaving.

"Hey Hun?"

"Yeah Mom?"

"I know I just got home but I'm really tired, I'm gonna go take a nap."

You didn't blame your mom for being so tired, she's had a long weekend getting all those tests to make sure everything was ok

"Okay, sleep well."

Mike Wheeler; Reader Imagines Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα