6. "The bar curved into the room..."

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Ben's hand on Tallulah's lower back bothered her. As he maneuvered them through the crowds of people in the art studio, he took advantage of the fact that he could touch her the way he wanted to.

The man was trying too hard, laughing too easily, uncomfortable in a suit that had a new sheen. She, on the other hand, underplayed her part, coy and a little slow to warm. Let him feel like he was in charge. She remained girlish, innocent. Beneath her mask of delight and interested listening, she was very aware of AJ's eyes on her. Like she was doing something wrong.

Ben had been good on his word. In less than two months of being in Manchester, Tallulah was finally showing her pieces at his gallery.

Her paintings dominated the walls, every color was bold and painted with such precise lines that they all almost looked like a mosaic. They were curved yet sharply defined; they seemed to stable but tumble at the same time.

"This is the woman I've been rambling to you about for years," Ben said to a scruffy looking man with waist-long dreadlocks.

"I've heard so many good things about you Tallulah," he said and took her hands, kissing her knuckles. "His description of you didn't do you justice."

Ben chuckled. "This is Justin, he's a writer for the urban magazine. He'll be doing a piece about your work if he thinks it's worth a feature."

Tallulah smiled. "Is it?"

"Your work is amazing. We should set up an interview."

"Of course," Ben answered. "I'll call you and we can set everything up."

"It was nice to meet you, Justin, excuse me for a bit." Tallulah pulled away and made her way to out of the studio. She had been mingling with the guests all morning, she was so tired and needed some fresh air.

"Tired of being paraded around like an art piece?" Anthony's voice whispered into her ear.

Tallulah snapped her eyes to him. "Something like that. I'm more into the painting and not into the selling."

"You look beautiful today," he said, eyes skimming her body.

Her face got hot. "Thank you."

They were both silent.

"I have to go back in," Tallulah said, making her way to the door. AJ grabbed her before she could go in.

"Can I take you out for a celebratory drink after?" his eyes were racking her body, making her very aware of how her top was clinging to her breasts and how the skirt she was wearing was hugging her body.

Tallulah smiled. "Yes. That sounds nice."


"To you," AJ congratulated, raising the beer bottle in his hand. "Congratulations on your first sale. Out of all fourteen pieces, only three are left."

The bar curved into the room, dark in the barely lit space. Through the windows, the diamonds of lead panes trickled the sallow light of street-lamps. The dominant smell was of stale beer and body odor.

The bar was hundreds of conversations told in loud voices, all of them competing with the urban music that dominated the atmosphere.

"Thank you. I didn't think it would make me this happy." She wiggled along to the music in her seat. "I made a lot of money."

Anthony looked at her bottle of Bacardi gold, worriedly. "Do you drink?"

She shook her head. "There is a first time for everything, right?"

DandelionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora