-Chapter 2,My dream come true-

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"OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH MUM I LOVE YOU IS THIS REAL I CANT BREATHE NO WAY IS THIS LEGIT?!" I began to shout as I pulled out meet and greet tickets for the vamps! My heart got faster and faster and I didn't know where to look, what to do, or what to say. I ran to my mum, and wrapped my arms around her, as tears began to fall down my face. My mum smiles at me and ruffles my hair and lets me leave to go upstairs.
Once it had sunk in that I could finally meet my idols, I took a chance to read the ticket. VIP access to meet the vamps +Brad pit access in concert
My hands shake. I can't believe it.

Full of excitement I post a picture on twitter, tagging the boys.
I decide to take a warm bath and listen to a few of my favourite songs.
The beat of wild heart bounces through the water making the bath shake. I don't care if anyone hears me singing as I am so happy right now, my dream has come true. Well, part of my dream. I get to meet Brad, but only for a few minutes and he won't see me as more than a fan... i think to myself.. Oh well I get to meet them! I decide to change the song to coming home, a lot more relaxed, as a chance to hear Brads voice better. Through the calming strums of Brads guitar, my phone buzzes on the side of the sink.
"That's strange" I thought to myself. I don't ever get messages from anyone at school. I get out the bath, rapping my fluffy pink towel around my chest. I see it's a notification from twitter. Clicking onto the app I go into my notifications.
James Mcvey retweeted your tweet-1min ago

NO WAY! I drop my phone and begin to shake, the smile on my face grows as I realise he noticed me! Today has been the best day! This has made me so excited to meet them, knowing James noticed my tweet!
I go into my room and smile, picking up the ticket and looking at the date..
21st of August 2016
Confused, I look at my phone screen to see the date, 20th of August 2016.
"OMG THATS TOMORROW" my excitement level reaches maximum point and I immediately get changed into my size large, baggy Vamps top and bed shorts, and get into bed. I quickly fall asleep, even though it's only 7pm, as I want this day to come quickly. A few hours later I wake up, excitedly I reach for my phone to see the time, 9pm. Oh. It's not even dark outside yet. Disappointed I shut my eyes and begin to imagine what Brad would be doing right now. Images of his fluffy brown curls between my fingers, and his deep brown eyes staring at mine, begin to create in my head. My love for him is unreal. I have never been so attracted to anyone before, and I get to see him in person in only a few hours. I run through in my head what I'm going to do and say to each member, by this point it's 10pm and I can't sleep, I'm too excited. I decide to listen to coming home quietly through my headphone. Brads voice calms me, and a few songs later, I am fast asleep.

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