Selfies and Sunburnt Noses

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"What do you fancy doing tomorrow? Can you cope with more of this or do you fancy something more energetic?" Ricky's voice broke into my thoughts as I lay on the sun lounger with my eyes closed.

Not that my thoughts had been that earth shattering; I was toying with the two ideas that firstly I don't think I'd ever felt so relaxed in my life, and secondly, did I want another drink yet?

I flipped my sunglasses down from their position on the top of my head before opening my eyes and turning my head lazily to look at Ricky, feeling that even that was too much to movement for my current relaxed state.

He looked about as relaxed as I felt; laying on a sun lounger parallel to mine he was dressed just in black swim shorts and had his hair held back off his face by his sunglasses, just as I had until a few moments before.

"Mmm, more of this, I think." It was pretty much the biggest decision I'd had to make all day, after which bikini I was going to put on that morning. After much deliberating I'd chosen a simple black one; perhaps I'd get a bit more adventurous and go for my new grey and cream snake skin patterned one when my tan developed a little more. Although the black probably made me look paler than that one would have done, it was hard to know. Anyway, that was the limit of my decision making skills since we'd arrived here a few days ago.

"Sure? You're not bored, are you?" Ricky squinted at me slightly, then pushed his sunglasses down onto his nose. The tip of his nose was pink, as were the top of his cheeks; whilst he'd put a high factor sun cream on his body, he'd obviously forgotten about his face.

"Bored? No way." I laughed, "I don't think I could ever get bored here. Look at the view for one thing."

"Yeah, I do look pretty good, don't I?" He preened as he lifted his sunglasses slightly and gave me a cheeky wink.

"Not you, you nutter." I groaned, I should have expected that one. "That view." I indicated the bay surrounding the almost deserted beach on which our loungers sat. There were other couples around, but the hotel made sure that each couple had their own separate area on the beach; no one was too close to anyone else. You couldn't even hear anyone else.

And the view really was spectacular; the pale silvery, almost white, sand curved in each direction as if hugging the bright azure sea, and behind the beach vivid green jungle spread up the hillside. It looked like something out of a Bond movie. I half expected to see Daniel Craig striding up the beach in those tight shorts, his six pack glistening with droplets of sea water.

"Yeah, it's pretty good." Ricky admitted with another ear to ear grin. "Fancy another drink?"

When I murmured my approval he turned slightly towards the terrace behind us to attract the waiter's attention. This place was amazing, you didn't even have to leave your lounger, the staff just brought you whatever you wanted; drinks, food, anything.

I watched Ricky as he spoke to the waiter, pleased to see him so happy and contented. He had actually relaxed as well these last few days; I knew that normally he wasn't a 'lay on the beach and do nothing' type of holidaymaker, but he had actually done just that and it looked as if it was agreeing with him.

The last few months had been tough for him; what with the uncertainty of things between me and Alex, the waiting for me to leave and then working on The Voice as well as his normal 'day job' with the band. He really had been working hard, he deserved this break. He'd be working hard when we got back home again as well; festival season was starting around now and I suspected this would be the only real break he'd have until early Autumn. By then he'd be back filming The Voice again, and he was in talks for a couple of other projects that were due to start around autumn as well.

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