Part 2 - Breath

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Listen to 'Fix You' by Coldplay (please listen to the music when reading this)
Kal's P.O.V

I was walking home on rainy Sunday afternoon, the rain had picked up battering again my winter coat. The Water was cold but refreshing. It reminded my of the day i lost my father, bringing slight tears to my eyes.

-Flash Back-
We were driving home late at night after a dinner party, the rain pelted the roof and windows of the car limiting vision ahead. It was stormy and we could hear thunder rumbling in the distance. We were traveling at a safe speed but as luck has it, lightning struck a tree in the distance.

A branch had fallen onto the road giving dad little time to swerve and even less time to break as we drove into oncoming traffic. The last thing he did was stop me from flying through the windscreen as he placed his paw on my chest. We drove head on into another car.

The crash had instantly killed him, taking him way. I could still hear my mums cry's as she is now confined to a wheel chair and is cared for in a disability home.
-End Flash Back-

I place my hand on my chest letting a tears fall from my eyes and cans still feel the pressure he put there to save me. I all always followed what he said "If you see someone in need then be there for them, its the simplest way to stop them from doing something they will regret" i mumbled under my breathe as i repeat the memory of his words in my head.

It was getting cold, frost started to form in the air with each breathe i took. I continued walking in the direction of my house since my mum couldn't live there anymore. I pull my jacket tighter around me keeping in the warm generated by my fur.

It was one of those days where you could curl up in a blanket on the couch and watch a sad movie as the rain hit the roof.

As i was walking i found a stray jacket on the ground someone had left, like they didn't need it anymore. I picked it up and could feel fading warmth from it. I looked around to see if there was anyone who had dropped it.

The people around me walked in rush to get to where they need to be. Determined to get alone with their own lives rather then helping those around them. My eyes fell on a bench in the rain. But it wasn't the bench that was of significance, it was the fur laying on top of it.

I walked closer and noticed a fur that i think i have seen before. He was a cyan, white and purple fur lying just in a t-shirt and shivering with coldness. Why would he be here?

I shook him to see if he was awake, he didn't move. I could see he was still breathing by the frost produced by his breathe's, so i picked him up throwing his arms over around my neck and his legs around my waist.

Since that didn't wake him up i thought he must have been on deaths door by now, Why would he do this to himself? Dad's words played through my mind over again.

All i could think about was why he was left in the rain. I was overcome by worry bringing tear to my eyes once again.

I ran faster, stepping in puddles getting water in my shoe's. I could feel his slow breathes leave his body. I was almost at a sprinting pace now, dodging and weaving through people as they gave me weird look's, some even whispering to each other.

I to a muddy back street that i used to get to work. It didn't take me long to get home when i was running but by the time i got there i was out breathe myself.

I reach into my pocket causing him to slip a little. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door before shifting the fur in my arms.

I walked in my house with out taking anything off, leaving trails of water like leaving a trail of tears behind me with every step.

I laid him gently on couch and grabbed a small heater, placing it near him and turning it on. He was small and i figured that he'd be a couple years younger then me.

His breathe had returned to a more regular pace. My worry lessened the more i sat with him. I got up hanging up our coats and taking off my muddy shoes. Grabbed an old towel and wiping down the mess that was made when i got home.

After i finished i looked back over at the fur, who was still sleeping and had curled up into a ball again. I grab a blanked from my room and placed it over him. I wrote a quick note and left my number before leaving.

I try to visit my mother everyday when i can, but some week days i can't before of school and work. I had gotten to the home were she was taken care of.

I walked up to the door before knocking. I was greeted by her care taker Khloe who was a shortish dear and let me in.

I walked over to mum who was watching T.V. "Oh who's this little cutie?" She said towards Chloe, "It's me Kal mum" i said for her, she had similar black and white border collie fur, but mine had a bit of a wave in it.

I went through usual routine as she had trouble remembering things. Today it was me, but i got around to telling her what i've been up to the last couple days, i also told her about the fur and being a mother she was worried so i told that i'd have to leave early.

I wondered if he'd be awake when i got home or not.

When i left, it had stopped raining as the sun settled and the moon woke. As i got home, i walked into the house. I was shrouded with sadness.

I walked into the living room seeing the fur awake and crying, he had noticed me making his face light up. "IAN ! You came back" he said running over to me and hugging me "I love you and I'm sorry" he said nuzzling my clothes.

Who's Ian? And why is he sorry?

I pryed him from me, before bending down to his eye level. His tears returned to a stream down his face in realisation that i wasn't this Ian. I felt heart broken and hugged him as he cried into my shoulder.

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