Chapter 7 - The Rescue Mission: Part One

Start from the beginning

"Action!" The hoarse voice of an elderly woman echoed the large studio.

Lights flickered on, nearly blinding both Locke and Demosthenes. Yet, neither of them were phased. After all, this press conference, or broadcast, signalled the beginning of their war.

*       *       *       *      *      *      *      *
Present Day

The sun shone bright, its rays radiating heat, bouncing off the ground, and causing the windows of the aircraft to become hot to the touch.

Valentine smiled warmly to herself as she gazed outside at the view. Hilltops could be seen, gushing green in colour for miles, lush trees were elegantly swaying in the wind, and she could only imagine what it would feel like to be in the midst of such a wonderful setting. Though, as always, she had become a spectator of Earth's lavish treasures instead of being the one to indulge in them herself. It was, Val knew deep down, despite her longing, for the best of everyone. After all, deprivation from fun was part of the job. Although, she had to admit that even watching as they flew by, was pretty spectacular on its own.

"You know", she broke the silence that had been lingering for an hour at least. "I figured that you would be taught how to fly spaceships in BattleSchool, but a plane? It never would have crossed my mind."

She turned away from the window on her heels, and stood behind Ender who was sitting at the controls.

He replied with a laugh, his focus still on the sky. "They trained us to be soldiers. Whether that be for space combat or atmospheric battle, it all fell under the same category."

Valentine smiled, and with a flick of the wrist she set the plane on autopilot.

Ender gave her a look. "You don't trust that I can fly?"

"Oh I do." She joked. "But you've been flying since we left this morning. You must be exhausted."

"Is it that obvious?" He raised an eyebrow, and stood up.

"Much", she laughed.

Ender made a point of sitting down on one of the couches within the aircraft. They certainly were not considered luxury, but both of them being famous, they managed to get extra seating.

Valentine sat beside him, slightly leaning her head back to sink into the somewhat soft material.

"My mind cannot help but re-live what happened when you were away."

She rotated her head until her green eyes met with her little brother's blue ones. (I think that's what I said their eye colour was before, lol.) 

"Peter and I, we went through a lot." She trailed on. "He seems to think that he was a lone wolf the entire time", she laughed. "Like I was not even there. But, deep down he knows."

She stopped, and tried to read Ender's expression. Though, as always. She was left completely full of puzzles. It was no secret to her that she could only read him to an extent. After all, they had not spent enough time together for her to truly know every side of him.

"You probably already know about what I am talking about, don't you?" She sighed.

Ender laughed. "I've heard a few things."

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