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Don't ask why 19-2000 is the song for this it's hard to find songs for this one unlike hss also idk the sound fit to me??? 

Dan's POV

"Danny," I hear a voice whisper.

"Dan. Babe, baby, love," Phil whines, lightly shaking me.

"Hm?" I hum, not opening my eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Phil asks, laying on top of me.

I open one eye, looking down at his puff of black hair. I smile lightly, running my fingers through his hair and he sighs, pushing closer to me.

"Yeah I'm hungry," I laugh.

Phil looks up at me, his beautiful blue eyes staring into my boring brown ones. He brings his nose to me, giving me a little Eskimo kiss causing a smile to break out onto my face. I'm so lucky to have Phil in my life. Him and I are currently in Bora Bora for our honeymoon. We've been here for three days already and it's just been amazing.  We wake up at around 9 am, lay in bed for a while, go get some breakfast, watch some movies, and then go to dinner. Nothing different from what we usually do. Today, since we only had two days left, we decided we would go out to the beach and seeing some of the locals.

Phil climbs off of me and walks to the bathroom, looking back slightly before grabbing a towel.

"Care to join me?" He smirks and I smile before jumping up and walking with Phil into the bathroom. 


Phil and I were sat across from each other in a restaurant we found while walking around. We had been talking for an hour, eating our breakfast.

"So what do you want to do now?" Phil asks, placing some money on the table for our waiter.

I walk with my hand in Phil's, wondering what we could do today. There was a lot to do in the beautiful city, but the two of us didn't know how to spend our last two days here. Phil and I really didn't leave our room for the first few days until now.

"Um, how about we go to the beach?" I suggest and Phil smiles.

"Yeah. We have sunblock, right?" Phil asks, looking down at his arms.

"Yes Philly, we brought sunblock for your milky white skin," I say and rolls my eyes, still smiling. 

"There are other milky white things you can give me," Phil says in my ear in a low voice, making me shudder. 

"Philip Michael Lester, we are in public," I laugh and give my husband a small shove. 

We make our way to the hotel, going into the lift and waiting until we got to out floor. I unlocked the door with our card and we walked in, closing and locking the door. We walk over to the suitcases and grab our swimming trunks, sunblock, and towels. I began to take off my pants and Phil stares at me for a while and I smirk. It was a struggle, since they were skinny jeans, but I managed to get them off instead of falling, unlike Phil, who lost his balance every five seconds. I walk past him on my way to the bathroom and as he's hunched over trying to pull the fabric off of his legs, I swing my hand to hit his bum.

"Hey," Phil says and jumps up, quickly losing his balance and falls over, "That wasn't nice."

"I'm sorry Baby," I manage to say through my fits of giggles as I help him out of the jeans easily and pick him up by his hand.

"Yeah yeah," Phil says and folds his pants, placing them on the bed and I head to the bathroom where the sunblock is.

"You know you loved it," I call from the bathroom, grabbing what I need and walking back into the room. I put all of our things into the little tote bag we have and place it on a chair, going over to Phil and wrapping my arms around his neck, burying my head where his collar bone is. Phil wraps his arms around my waist, placing his hands on the small of my back, extremely close to my ass. His hand moves down as he caresses my bum a couple of times before he smacked it, hard. Like harder than I hit his ass. 

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