A new chapter in my life part: 3

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Chapter 1:

I saw was a big hand reach out towards me I looked it was a tall figure with long curly brown hair “are you ok I am so sorry” “I’m fine” I said in quite of a whisper voice. He picked up all of my things and handed them to me “thanks” I said “no problem”. “are you new here” he asked  “well yea, I barely moved here” I said, “oh well I think you will like it here very much”. Another bell rang. “oh no I’m late, do you know were room 308 is by any chance” I said. “yeah it’s down the hall to your right” “ok thanks” I started to walk away and then I heard “wait, I didn’t get your name” “ oh um it’s Alina”. “ oh ok” “ and yours”? “harry“ “ok bye, harry”. Finally the last bell had rang, I hurried to go and catch the bus, as I was waiting for the bus I saw a shadow behind me I turned around in fright looking up and seeing harry “hi harry” I said “hey Alina” “so what bus are you getting?” harry asked. “um 92” “rely I’m going on that bus too” he said in shock. Finally we got on the bus we both sat next to each other the bus ride home was very quiet, I glanced at him for a spit second he turned his eyes towards my direction, I looked up pretending I was looking at something else, but I knew he saw me. I finally arrived at my bus stop. I stud up to get off the bus, “bye” “what I’m getting off here too” he said. At this point I kind of thought he was stalking me or something, I wasn’t sure but It didn’t matter that much. 

A new chapter in my lifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang