Hanahaki Disease P.1

Start from the beginning

"Next time then!" The bartender said and then his face lit up like he had just remembered something."Oh ye, Dazai was lookin' for ya 'while go Chuuya."

Chuuya gritted his teeth."Thanks." he grounded out, his voice suddenly becoming rough and scratchy.

He practically ran out of the bar, rushing into his car and slamming his door behind him. Chuuya clenched his hands into his hair, fingernails harshly scraping against his scalp. His shoved his fingers in deeper and deeper until he could clearly feel the pain spread throughout his body.

With his hands still in his head, Chuuya screamed. He screamed and screamed until he couldn't even hear his own voice. His voice started to become scratchy and broken, his screams turning into halfhearted wails. Chuuya's fingers left his head and slowly scraped down his body, clingy tightly into his arms as his curled up into a ball in his car seat.

"That bastard!" Chuuya whispered harshly, taking calming breaths in his fetal position. He purposely told the bartender that, knowing the bartender would tell Chuuya. Dazai didn't need to search for Chuuya, he always knew where he was even after betraying the Port Mafia.

Chuuya clenched his steering wheel, turning on his car and driving home. Why the hell was that asshole looking for him anyways? There was nothing he needed from Chuuya and there was nothing Chuuya wanted from him. The only use Chuuya had to Dazai was already long since used, unless Dazai needed his Corruption ability but that required Chuuya's cooperation and like hell would he ever cooperate with Dazai.

Chuuya felt a throbbing in his chest, silently telling him he was wrong. He crushed it instantly, not wanting to even think about where that feeling would go. Chuuya hated Dazai and Dazai hated Chuuya, that the way it would always be.

Feelings like loyalty and devotion didn't matter between the two of them. They used to be partners and now they were not, Dazai walked down one path and Chuuya walked down another. Their paths would never cross again.

Again, an ache reached his chest but this time Chuuya didn't fight it; he was too tired to deal with such things right now. The only thing Chuuya wanted to do was go home and sleep, and thats exactly what he would do.

Since Chuuya was now an executive, he didn't have to stay in the Port Mafia's dorms and instead bought his own place. It wasn't the nicest but it was home. Chuuya could live anywhere as long as he could sleep, eat, and shit in peace.

A figure stood in front of Chuuya's door and he inwardly groaned, realizing he probably wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. The figure turned to face Chuuya and his eyes widened, finally realizing who it was.

"Kouyou...what are you doing here?" Chuuya asked, his voice quickly becoming cold and controlled.

"Chuuya!" Kouyou scolded, smacking Chuuya behind the head."I thought I raised you better than to greet me in such an ill mannered way!"

Chuuya sighed, opening up his apartment and letting Kouyou in."Hello Kouyou, its nice to see you again." They both kissed each others cheeks.

Kouyou walked over to Chuuya's couch, looking at the dirty thing in disgust."What are you doing here?" Chuuya asked again, pulling Kouyou's gaze away from the ratty couch.

"Can I not come over to see how my darling Chuuya is doing?" Kouyou asked, pointedly looking down at the couch in front of her."This couch is simply atrocious."

Chuuya rubbed his temple, trying not to let his anger get the best of him."You don't just come to my house and start criticizing my furniture. What do you want Kouyou?"

Kouyou ignored him, continuing to stare at the couch intently."And these pillows you put on top of it are even worse! If you were struggling so much with your new apartment you should have told me! I would have helped you and bought a better couch. Shall I call-"

"KOUYOU!" Chuuya shouted, instantly silencing the woman and making her look up at him."What.Do.You.Want?"

Kouyou put one of her kimono sleeves over her mouth, sighing."Do you know Tachihara Michizou?"

"Huh? Tachihara? The commander of the Black Lizard?" Chuuya asked, suddenly getting confused.

"So you do know him..." Kouyou mumbled to herself. She turned to fully face Chuuya, staring directly into Chuuya's eyes."Do you love Tachihara Michzou?" She asked sternly.


"Do you love him, Chuuya?!" Kouyou asked again, cutting off Chuuya's question.

Chuuya had no idea what was going on but responded anyways."N-No I don't...why?"

Kouyou never came to Chuuya, let alone asked him about his love life. Chuuya instantly put himself on guard, preparing for any other questions Kouyou would ask him. Instead of prodding at him more, she just moved over to Chuuya, hugging him tightly.

"Oh thank god!" she said, nuzzling against Chuuya."I always knew you were a good boy!"

"What are you talking about Kouyou?!" Chuuya asked, getting uncomfortable in Kouyou's tight hold.

Kouyou let got of him, a small smile on her face."Tachihara Michzou is in love with you. You're his first love so I was just checking to see if the treatment was needed or not."

"Oh..." Chuuya said, stunned. So Tachihara loved him, and he didn't love him back so he needed to get treated. Chuuya felt his chest clench and he looked down, silently cursing himself.

Tachihara was about to get his brain prodded and peeled apart and Chuuya could do nothing to help him. It was impossible for him to fall in love with Tachihara after all. He couldn't love somebody when he already loved some-

"Im so happy Chuuya didn't fall in love," Kouyou said, suddenly going dark."Love is a bad thing Chuuya, you should never fall in love. It will only tear you apart in the end."

Chuuya had a feeling she wasn't talking to him anymore, but to herself. Chuuya had heard about Kouyou's love life and it was not pretty.

Part of Chuuya felt guilty for some reason. Why did he feel like this? Its not like he was in love...was he? But who would he be in love with? Its not like he ever thought about anyone like that-

Chuuya's whole body froze as a thought slowly formed in his mind. There was one person, one person Chuuya always thought about. One person who made his heart clench and his body ache whenever he thought about him. One person who always knew where Chuuya was. One person he could never forget or get away from not matter how much he tried.

It was official, Chuuya was in love.

And it was that shitty bastard Dazai who he had so carelessly given his bruised bleeding heart to.

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