I hurt Cause You

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"It was never your fault. Stop taking the blame for everything!" She screamed at him.

"I hurt you though!" He whisper yelled.

"But you didn't.... you never did. You never did anything.
The only thing you ever did was help me. You were my helper. My lover. My home. My diary. My rock. " she said breathing heavily from her anger

" Can I make you a promise?" He asked her

"As long as you don't break it" she whispered hesitantly

"I promise never to hurt you again" he stated

" Don't make a promise you can't keep" she said

"I am not making a promise I can't keep." He said with a smile.

"Okay" she whispered

"Alrighty" he responded

* A few weeks went by. They didn't talk a lot. Not much to talk about. They supposed*

* She looks at her phone. A text. From him. *

" I can't do this anymore." The text said.

She had officially given up on him. He broke every promise he had ever made toward her. She was done with him. FOR GOOD. 

What happened didn't stop the smile that formed on her face though. She was a happy person. She was going to show the world that too. She no longer feared.  For she had all she could ever need. Her friends. Her family. Also, most importantly JESUS!

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