Part 34

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It had now been two weeks since they had lost Yuri, her absence took it's toll on the village. Especially on Shino. Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura had gone on a mission to go see what's happening at a village. Which just so happened to be near the hide out where Yuri was being kept.  

"Thank you so much!" The people of the village thanked, this village was called the village of Toruk; they had extremely strong ninja's way stronger then Kakashi. They called the leaf village in hope that they would be able to get into the sacred temple that no one else could get in. They told the team to stay an extra night and they were currently in a room.

"We need to get back!" Naruto yelled at Kakashi. 

"Naruto, be patient," Kakashi said solemnly. 

"How can I be patient, when Yuri is, she's" Naruto couldn't finish his sentence before the tears started to fall.  "She's the only one who believed in me," Naruto started off. "She's strong and nice, she puts others before her. . .Why?" Naruto started crying. "Why aren't I strong enough?" This time his voice cracked and he fell to the floor. "I promised to become Hokage, I couldn't stop Sasuke from leaving. Now Yuri." He trailed off, he punched the ground.  "Why?" He whispered. Sakura was looking down and crying silently. "I'm going to find her with or without you!"' Naruto yelled his teeth baring, "I'm not going to sit back and wait for her to come and appear magically!". Kakashi was looking down at the ground. 

"You think I'm not sad?" Kakashi started off, he jerked his head up with tears. "You're not the only one who cared about her, I couldn't protect my team and now I lost two of my students. I'm a failure as a sensei," he said his eyes gleaming with tears. 

"She was my friend to Naruto," Sakura said crying, she looked up full on sobbing. "I miss her so much!" She wailed. "I, I just want my friend back, the one I can cry with-the one who stuck by me! I miss her so, so much." They all cried and hugged each other. What they didn't know was about 4 ninja were outside the door listening. They looked sad, looking at each other they nodded. No matter what they would help them find this Yuri. Chojo slammed the door open startling the ninja. 

"We'll help you find Yuri. Now tell us everything." He said with determination in his eyes.

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