Chapter Sixteen

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Spence's POV
We arrive back at the BAU and I head into Hotch's office patiently waiting for him to arrive.

"Reid? Are you alright, what are you still doing here?" Hotch says after twenty minutes of me waiting, not that I was counting.

"I think I'm going to take your advice and maybe try talking to someone since I don't really have anyone else."

"You can always talk to us Spencer, but I understand if you're not ready to exchange in your experience or your feelings. So, I will um set up your appointment." Hotch replies

"Thank you" I say heading out of the office to my place.

The next morning, I come into work making sure to dose myself with coffee as I got hardly any sleep last night. No shocker there, I think to myself. Hotch calls me in his office to tell me he has found someone for me to talk this afternoon which honestly, I probably won't even go, even though I said I would. I can change my mind can't I?

We hop on a case involving two murders in our area and I try to clear my head and focus on the case when really, I just want to be having a nice sleep which seems to be impossible for me to do these days. I look at the time and distance myself from the group and head to my appointment.

When I get there, I walk through the glass door and into the office where a tall man greets me

"Hello, you must be Spencer, nice to meet you I'm Chris" He says holding his hand out only to awkwardly lower it when I don't shake back.

"I will be right with you but in the meantime if you could fill out a few of these questions then we can get right to it." He adds handing a pen and a sheet of paper.

I glance at the top of the sheet Patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in bold writing catches my eye and I shake my head laying the clipboard down and make my way out of the office to go home.

What is Hotch thinking I do not have PTSD!! I deny getting a little angry. I head to my place not caring about my appointment and lay on the couch folding my blankets on my body letting the darkness takeover my body.

Spencer Reid- DilaudidUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum