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Time skip

"Mumma?" My four year old daughter asks me.

"Yes Elena?" i ask and play with her blonde hair.

She turns around on my lap and gives me a sad look.

She looked beautiful with the sun shining on her hair and her tiny features on her face.

"i heard you crying last night. Was it because of the boy in the sky?" she asks me and my breath hitches.

"t-the boy in the sky? Elly who is that?" i ask.

"the one in the pictures. You never talk about him and I've never seen him so I thought he was up there. In heaven." she says.

I smile at her childish voice and thoughts and lay down on the cool, green grass in our back garden.

"He was called Gerard. He was a very important person and was very good at singing." i say and she looks at me.

"can he sing to me?"

"no darling, but I can show you a few videos. You can ask Auntie to show you. She'll be here soon with Bandit!" i say and we get up.

She goes off to play with her toys and I go into our living room.

I look at the framed pictures on my walls.

Elena, Bandit, Me and Lindsey, Me and Mikey and... Me and Gerard.

I hear the door knock and go to let Lindsey in.


"Auntie Emily!" Bandit says and gives me a hug before searching for Elena.

Me and Lindsey go into the living room after exchange our hello's and i decide to tell her about the 'boy in the sky'

"so, Elena spoke up about Gerard today. She asked me if he was in heaven" i say with a sad smile.

I look at Lindsey to see her eyes glazing over with tears, yet she doesn't let it show.

"s-she said she heard me crying in the bathroom again" i tell her with my voice shaking.

We both look up to the framed photos on my wall and smile.

"the boy in the sky... I quite like it. I wish he was here to see the two grow up. Even though Elena isn't his, he would still love her." Lindsey tells me in a hushed tone.

"the boy in the sky..."

i don't love you ♡ gwजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें