Derpy My Day,My Life 8/9/10

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January 8 2014 5:32 P.m

Alrighty, I am apologizing that the Days have been cute down a little shorter, just only a little because I have a job, and that job is to deliver mail. I hope you all do understand that. Anyway, I bump into Dr.Whooves, and I have always wondered, why is his cutie mark a timer? It is pretty cool at the same time, but then weird, like I am not trying to be mean or anything it is just my opinion. The good thing is that I also bumped into Dj Pon-3 and Lyra. I do not know what in the hooves they are doing, but I predict in my pony mind that there is some romance going on between the two off them. Sitting together laughing, staring at each other, blushing. I was just sitting in the cafe like what in the world were they doing together. A couple minutes later, I run into Lyra, And she was like "Sorry Derpy, I did not see you there." I just shurged and then asked. 'Are you and Dj A Thing, because you two ponies would look really cute, not trying to be weird or anything but you know, if you both like each other, I am always here to help because you know have a pony myself. She then asks who. I then was like in my mind, HOW DOES SHE NOT KNOW WHO MY PONY IS?!?!?! Well I told her anyway, I said it was Dr.Whooves. She Then tells me that she does like dj and I was like Oh My Pony, That is cute, but then she promised not to tell anyone that she did. I Said "Cross My Pony heart, Learn to fly, Stick a cupcake in my eye." Anyway I guess that was it for today, I am going to go lay down and hang around in my pony house! Muffins!!!

January 9 2014 6:50 P.m

Phew Wee, Guess who came hopping in my house today. Pinkie Pie. She was just a huge perky, cotton candy pony, asking if I could lend some muffins to a party she is hosting for I do not know, A Marathon? Now to me that was very Awkward and weird conversation. I mean pony, seriously. I just said "no way, you know how much I Heart these muffins?" She just hopped out of the door, every though she does do that a lot, and I do mean A LOT A LOT! Fluttershy was way too shy to come in my house, since I was not one of her main friends, which to me is kind of pony terrible. I bumped into Dj, and He also did need say that he had a pony crush on Lyra, I was just all calm and saying you should go to the cafe and ask her if she would like to go on a pony date with you, And you won't even notice I am going to be there. He Just said, "Alright, fine with me." So We Decided to pick up Lyra to go for a walk to the cafe, and finally they are official, I just started to dance like so weird. Anyway. Going to sleep, bye!!!

January 10 2014 5:14 P.m

Recap, I am Very bored, and do not feel like writing. Pony Sleep good night!


Hey guys still only 2 votes, that is just pony sad to me, and just to be honest, I was expecting a little more, my goal for this book is to still have at least 10 votes, just to let you guys know if you are wondering and willing to help to make my goal. I did all this is one day, so I am at least really tired, just to be honest. Thanks for all you guys who have followed meh :) and Gurls To c: Anyway almost to my goal and thank you guys for helping it happen :) Goal for this book for now is 50 reads and 10 votes thank you guys and have a sparkly ponytastic day!!! :)

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