The Rise of the Metal Moon

Start from the beginning

"We should be there in a few hours, Ma'am," one of the soldiers told Leia who nodded.
"Thank you." She took Thalassa's hands in her own. "You should rest, Thalassa."
"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but my job is to accompany you and not let you out of my sight. I'm fine."
Leia gave her a soft, pitiful smile.
"Alright. Come with me then."
Leia led them back to her chambers, where a droid, that Thalassa recognized as R2-D2, stood, ready for Leia's request. Leia simply offered a hello.
"Come, sit." Thalassa sat beside Leia on her bed. "I want to tell you a story."
"I want you to listen."
"Yes, M'lady."
"And I want you to start calling me Leia."
"Of course."
"Are you ready for the story?"
"I am."
Leia proceeded to tell Thalassa one of the stories that her father would tell her of a diplomat woman and her lover, a jedi knight.
"They were madly in love," she said. "But it was forbiddean for either of them to have relationships, which made their love rather difficult. It didn't stop them, though, because they were stubborn and hard headed."
"Like you?"
"Yes, like me. Anyway, they met when they were ten years younger. He was 9 and she was 14, or so my father says. He admitted that he didn't actually know how old they were, but that's not the point. Anyway, they hadn't seen each other in 10 years, but he had been in love with her ever since they parted and she had hardly thought of him." And so the story continued, about a fateless love that ended in tragedy and heartbreak and the death of an entire race.
"So, they both died?"
"Killed by the same person?"
"But that's terrible!"
"It is, Thalassa, my friend." Thalassa sighed and lay backwards on Leia's bed.
"It wasn't a real story, was it?"
"I don't know. My father never said either way."
"Well, who killed them?"
"My father said it was-"
The alarm resounded once again.
"They've caught up to us," Leia breathed. "Come with me. R2, follow us."
Both Thalassa and R2 did as they were told. They followed Leia, past running soldiers and hurrying men. Leia stopped at the armory and grabbed a blaster.
"Can you shoot?" She asked Thalassa.
"Yes, of course I can."
"Good." She tossed another blaster to her. Thalassa was confused on how the Princess could be so calm, but then again, she guessed the girl had been training for this her whole life. They continued onwards until they came to the place where Leia wanted to hide. They sat there for a while and heard the obvious sounds of dying men. That was a sound Thalassa was generally used to, but she still flinched every time there was a strangled cry. Leia placed the disc she had gotten earlier into R2's system.
"R2, I need you to record this," Leia said. R2 beeped an affirmative response. Thalassa stood to the side as Leia began to talk.
"General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."
Glancing back and forth to make sure no one had seen her and ended the recording.
"Go," she told the R2 unti, and the droid fled. Not long after, the door to the room they had hidden in slid open. Thalassa stood frozen at the sight of the Stormtroopers. She hadn't seen one since she was young, since her parents had died, and here they were, standing before her, five or six of them.
"Look, there's two," one of them said, pointing at Leia and Thalassa. Both woman shot their guns, hitting two different targets. They turned to run, but were hit with the Troopers' stun guns. Thalassa fell to the ground beside Princess Leia, limp, cold, and utterly broken.


Hello again my friends. I'm glad you've made it this far! (I'm surprised I've made it this far). Writing these short chapters are much, much easier than the usual 35-40 page ones I attempted. I enjoy it much more, much easier. Anyway, I'm glad you have all read thus far.
I would much appreciate any help in editing since I am completely incapable of doing it myself (I'm not even sure incapable is a word? Is is uncapable?? Encapable?? I don't know man). So it would very much like that kind of help, but remember, not all authors do, so don't just go around correcting people's mistakes. I used to do that and now I don't, so you shouldn't cause people get mad.
Anyway, I'm really sad because I loved every one in Rogue One and now they're all dead so that really sucks and my life is over and I really wanted to know what happened to Cassian when he was a baby so now I have to make it up??? and i'm just a big ball of emotions. all of my babies are dead.

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