"What's so funny?" Lilac looked behind Samuel, and there stood Damien. Samuel quickly went from playful to professional in the blink of an eye.

       "I was just being an ass, that's all," Lilac responded. "Apparently Samuel thinks it's funny."

       Damien nodded, pushing past Samuel and plopping in his seat. "So nothing out of the ordinary, considering you're almost always an ass."

       "Well, at least it's not completely constant, unlike the stunts you pull," Lilac retorted.

       "Would you like me to fire you, Miss Carter?" Damien whispered. "Because I'm willing to call this whole thing off if it's what you'd like."

      "Oh, you wish. Your publicist and manager would kill you. No movie would ever cast you. You'd lose all of your fans." Lilac hissed. "Know why? Because you're just a spoiled little brat who whines and throws a fit when you don't get what you want. You're a narcissistic playboy, and let's face it: I'm the only thing keeping your career intact. You need someone like me by your side."

        "Oh, really? Because I beg to differ." Damien responded. "You are a narcissistic little bitch who can't keep a man of her own, who can't afford her college tuition, so you ran to this job because you thought you could change me and because you grew up in a poor household with no father because he left you and your mother when he found somebody newer and better. You grew up fatherless, and therefore it made you turn out to be the sorry excuse of a human being that you are. You're damaged goods, and frankly I don't know who the hell would have the guts to be with you. You really think you can change me? Think again. I can easily drop you like a fly."

       Lilac stared at Damien, shock in her eyes. "You're an asshole." She seethed, rage in her eyes. "If I didn't need the money I would quit right away, but you know what? I'm still going to pretend to be your girlfriend, because God knows you need a positive influence in your life to teach you to never verbally abuse someone. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving." She stood up, grabbing her clutch, and Damien's eyes widened.

       "Leave, and you're fired."

       Lilac just laughed. "Talk to your people about it. I don't care. I'm leaving." She walked away and out of the building, forcing herself to hold the tears back. How does he even know? She thought. How does he know about everything? She grabbed her phone out of her clutch and called an Uber, tears spilling down her perfectly made up face.

        "You okay?"

       Lilac turned around, wiping the tears from her eyes. Samuel stared at her, concern in his eyes.

      "I'm fine," she said, her throat tight from holding the sobs back. "Go back and protect His Highness."

      "There are already people protecting him. He has more than one security guard, remember?" Samuel took a careful step towards Lilac. "You need protecting, too."      

     "I said I'm fine."

     "At least let me get you back to the hotel. An Uber isn't secure and the driver will leak a story to TMZ or something."

     Lilac threw her hands up in the air. "Let them!" She shouted. "Let them say whatever the hell they want! He deserves it! Besides, that scene in there was in a very public place in front of many people! It's not something that won't be in People Magazine tomorrow!"

     Samuel gently grabbed Lilac's arm. "I'm driving you to the hotel, whether you like it or not. You need to be safe, and that's my job," he said. Lilac fought him for a moment, but then gave in and allowed Samuel to lead her to the SUV.


      Upon arriving at the hotel, Lilac went up to her suite and slipped off her dress, putting on something more comfortable. Samuel stood outside Lilac's door, keeping anything that could possibly harm her out.

      Lilac went into the bathroom and started to strip the layers of makeup off of her face. Her lashes came off, then her eye makeup, and the rest of her face was soon to follow. She pulled her hair out of its style, setting the bobby pins on the counter of the sink and putting her hair into a messy bun.

      As soon as she felt composed and less like she was going to bawl her eyes out, she went to the door and opened it, revealing Samuel.

     "Feeling better?" Samuel asked. He tried to hide his exhaustion, but Lilac could see through his façade. She nodded. "Much," she said.

     Samuel smiled. "Good," he said. "I'm sorry Damien was such an ass."

     "It's not your job to apologize for him, you know," Lilac stated. "Besides, he was right."

     "No, he's not," Samuel protested, "he just does everything he can to get under your skin. He's a major asshole, and nothing he said about you was true."

     "I'm damaged," Lilac whispered. "That part is true. I'm damaged goods and have never been able to keep a relationship." The hot tears started streaming down her face again.

      Samuel looked at the beautiful, broken girl standing in front of him, sobbing. Before he knew it, he had put his arms around her and enveloped her in a hug. "You're not damaged goods," he whispered to her. "Any guy who thinks that is an asshole who doesn't deserve you."

     Lilac looked up at Samuel, her green eyes filled with emotion. "You really think that?" She asked. When Samuel nodded, she stood up on her tippy toes and tenderly placed her lips on his.

      The kiss felt like it lasted for days, when in reality, it was only a few seconds. Samuel didn't ever want to let Lilac go, but when she pulled away, her hand flew to her lips. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry," she cried.

      Samuel didn't even get a chance to say that he enjoyed the kiss, that he wanted more before she turned and ran into her room, slamming the door.

      And just like that, Samuel was alone. He put his fingers to his lips, still tingling from the kiss. He slowly made his way to his room, where he fell asleep thinking and dreaming about her.

      And that was the moment he realized that he was falling for Lilac Rose Carter.

Welp. It might've moved fast, but ahaha I needed to write this part in order for the storyline to keep moving bc ayye writer's block

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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