Chapter 7

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You awoke to find Gray sitting on a chair beside your bed. You groaned. You looked to the bedside table to see a bowl of soup on top of the book you were reading.

Gray left without a word. You sat up and began to eat. Gray came back with a glass of orange juice and placed it on the bedside table as well before leaving again.

After you finished your soup you took a few sips from the OJ and layed down. Suddenly you began to feel drowsy and your vision became blury. The last thing you saw was Gray picking you up before your vision went black.

You awoke naked, and sticky white stuff everywhere. You're entrance was sore and there was no sight of Gray. You looked around weakly, then realising what had happened. You sat up as tears began to fill your eyes.

"How could you do this to me!!" You shouted "Why?! Tell me why?!"

Your screamed and cried. Why would he do something like this to you?

All of a sudden you just stopped crying. You felt as if everything just didn't matter. You sat there, the life drained from your eyes. Your head was tilted.


Those words kept repeting in your head, over and over. You felt your sanity slowly drift away. Soon you were laughing, but not for very long.

'Kill him.
Go back

You stood up, walking toward the metal that was shining on the floor from the slight beam of light enering the cold, concrete room you were in. As you approached it you saw it was a knife. 'What was a knife doing here? Oh well... time to have fun...'

You picked up the knife and hid it behind your bare body and turned toward the sound of a door opening. Light flooded the room as a devilish smile grew on your face.

Gray looked at you in confusion as you slowly walked toward him. With one hand you pushed him to the floor and straddled him.
"Why did you do that to me...?" You asked him in a mono-toned voice.
"To claim you of course." He replied with a devilish smile on his face.

That smile soon turned into a look of fear as you raised the knife above your head and your legs holding his arms down. "Bad boys need to be punished" you said grinning.

Soon screaming could be heard from that room. You continuously stabbed Gray in the heart over, and over, and over again. His screams and yelps slowly faded along with the life in his eyes.

"Die... Die... Die.... Diediedie DIE DIE DIE DIEDIEDIE DIEDIEDIE DIEDIEDIE DIEDIEDIE!!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs. Soon Gray took his last breath but you kept stabbing him. Each time the blade peirced through his skin, the more fun you were having.

You got off him and walked towards the door and left. You did not care about being naked, holding a knife, nor being bloody. All you wanted was to see Natsu again.

Soon you arrived at the guild and fell to the floor as you entered. Natsu came running over to you.
"(Y/N) where have you been?! I've been looking for you! Why are you bloody? Why are you... holding a knife? What happened??" Natsu questioned, helping you to your feet and shaking you.

"Gray... took me... drugged me... raped me..." you said slowly. "I... killed him..."

Natsu's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared into your cold, lifeless eyes. He pulled you close and embraced you.
"I'm so sorry (y/n)..." He said. "Let's go get you cleaned up." He said as he carried you away, bridal style, towards his house.

Sorry for the short chapter. Is it short? Idk. Well, you went insane!! Yay. I'm so happy with the amount of reads this story has gotten!!! Thank you all! See you in the next chapter. Oh! And I'm also thinking about writing a Levi x Reader fanfic. Idk you tell me if I should or not. Anyways see you laterz

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