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March 18, 2010

Lottie had just got done curling my hair and she handed then dragged me over to a mirror. “Wow, I look…” I paused but someone else finished, “Amazing.” I looked in the reflection and saw Louis standing there. 

I turned around and ran to him, opening my arms. He opened his and then wrapped them around me, spinning me around slowly. “You’re here! I thought you were at your Grandparents?” I said smiling immensely.

“Nope.” He said giddily, his smile getting wider, causing the crinkles to be shown by his eyes. “What are you talking about?” I asked quirking an eyebrow. I saw Lottie stand to my left side, I turned to her and she smiled.

“Come on.” Louis said as he pulled me out of the bathroom and across the hall to my room where a gigantic silver box sat; wrapped around it was a ribbon, brought together in a neat bow on the top. “Go on,” Louis urged, “Open it!”

I slowly walked over to my bed and pulled one side of the bow, the ribbon coming undone. I opened the box and gasped. “Lou!” I said as I grabbed the beautiful sky blue dress up, taking it in. I placed it next to the box on my bed and turned around.

“Surprise!” He and Lottie said in unison. “What’s going on?” I asked crossing my arms. “Well, finished getting ready and you’ll find out!” Louis said cheerfully and then quickly left the room. “These are from me, for your dress.” Lottie said handing me a shoe box.

“Charlotte Tomlinson, what’s going on? I thought you and I were just going to dinner?” I said as I opened this shoe box to reveal a pair of silver, Aldo Aileth heels. “Just put the dress and the shoes on, then I’ll do your makeup, but we need to hurry!” Lottie said snapping her fingers sassily. “You’re so much like your brother.” I said shaking my head as I began undressing.

Lottie left to go get the makeup ready and I was putting the dress on now and I saw the faint line of scars right above my ribcage and I smiled. He saved me, he was my hope. 

“Lottie!” I called as I failed at zipping up the dress. “Coming!” She said as she was then in my room. I turned around pulling my hair over my shoulder. She pulled the zipper up so the dress was now secure around my body.

“I’ll put the shoes on when you’re done.” I said and she excitedly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the bathroom. She sat me back in the chair she had set in front of the counter and she grabbed some brushes and foundation.

“Just relax, I’ll have this done in no time.” She said and motioned for me to close my eyes. She then brushed the foundation over my face, chin, neck, and very little over my chest and slightly over my shoulders so it looked even.

She then applied powder over it the foundation to set it. I then opened my eyes to see what she grabbed next and it was a gold eye shadow. I closed my eyes again so she could apply it and then I let her apply then eyeliner before I opened my eyes again.

Lottie now had mascara and she brought it to my left eye, “Alright blink a few times.” I did as told and we then repeated with my right eye. “Okay, almost done.” She said and turned around. When she was facing me again I saw that she had blush and contour.

She contoured my cheeks first and I made a fish face so she could. I then held the face longer so she could apply the blush as well. “One last thing.” She said as she grabbed bright red lip liner and lipstick.

I parted my lips very slightly as she lined my lips, carefully and then filled them in with the lipstick. Lottie let out a heavy sigh of relief and said, “Done.” She moved out of the way so I could see it. I noticed the eyeliner she used was a slightly darker blue and then a thin line of black liquid liner by the lashes, complimenting my eyes nicely. My nails didn’t need done because Lottie and I had gotten ours done together earlier, mine are French tipped.



I smiled and hugged Lottie, then took my shoes by the straps and put them on. “Come on now, hurry!” She said grasping my hand and pulling me out of the bathroom, down the hall and to the steps where I looked over the balcony to see loads of people being led through the foyer and to the back yard.

I gasped, “Oh my God!” I turned to her and hugged her. “Hey, I didn’t plan it, I just helped.” She said and pointed down to where I saw Louis standing by the door, smiling up at me. I squealed and hurried down the steps to him jumping into his arms.

“You’re the best friend a girl could ever have BooBear!” I said laughing and kissed his cheek as he put me down. “No, you are, Happy Sweet sixteen Bariah!” Louis cheered. And then said, “Come on let’s go outside and show everyone how stunning you look.”


I was sitting on the tire swing that I had, and Louis was pushing me. “So Lou, why’d you want to come over here, the party isn’t anywhere near over yet.” I said and then giggled as he pushed me higher. “I have something important to tell you.” He said and then stopped the swing, but not harshly.

One it was barely moving back and forth, he stepped in front of it. “What do you have to tell me?” I asked and noticed his face, he looked like he was about to cry. “Lou, what’s wrong?” I asked and he looked at me. “Well uhm…” He didn’t say anything more but I didn’t interrupt him. 

“I’m trying out for the X-Factor.” He said after a while. “That’s great Lou! I’m happy for you!” I exclaimed as I struggled to get out of the swing without the dress coming up. “You are?” He asked puzzled as I then hugged him.

“Yes, you’re talented and you deserve to try.” I said but on the inside, I was bawling my eyes out. “I’m so glad you understand.” He said as he embracing once more. ‘Yeah, me too.’ I thought to myself.


March 27, 2010


“I’m going to miss you so much.” Louis whispered as he hugged me tightly. “I’ll miss you too.” I said a single tear falling down my cheek. “I’ll text you, Skype you, or call you every night.” Lou said as he smiled at me. “Promise?” I said holding out my pinky. “Promise.” He whispered as we intertwined our pinkies and both kissed each other’s pinky.

I tried releasing my pinky but Louis held onto it. “Lou?” I said but he immediately responded, “Now you have to promise me something.” He said and I nodded. “Just remember that I was here for you during your toughest times, and even though I won’t be here if something happens again…. Just promise me you won’t let it come back.” As soon as he said it, I knew he was talking about my anorexia.

“Also promise you won’t hurt yourself again.” He said with a sad smile. “I promise.” I said and kissed his pinky again. “Just remember there is someone who loves you.” He said and I smiled.

“Love you too BooBear, don’t forget your promise.”

“I won’t, don’t forget yours either.”

“I won’t, Goodluck.”

“Bye Bariah.”

“Bye Lou.”

I blew a kiss to him as he got in the car with his mum and he gave me another sad smile. I smiled back, but when the car was out of view, I let the tears fall; somehow knowing, neither of us would keep our promises.

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