Depression Sounds Like This...

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  • Dedicated to Boys who hurt too

        He arrived home, slammed the door shut and put his back to the door, the day was done, the smile on his face was gone, his character was gone. He sat at the closed door and cryed. Did no one understand his pain? He doesn't know why he feels depressed, he just is. And people try to make him feel better, but it doesn't help. He hates pity, it depresses him more. One more day and the week will be over. Can he last one more day? He will have to try...

            Haha you stupid loser, I told you no one cared. they are trying to upset you more. My Allies they are. Depression spoke endlessly in his mind. He ran upstairs before mum came to confront him. He went into his room and closed the door quietly. Mum wont notice if its quiet. Hide all you want, but you cant hide from me. No not until you're six foot under but then again, my screams will still haunt your nightmares. The feeling of disgust crawled beneath his skin and he started to feel ill. He breathed heavily as wild thoughts clouded his thoughts. Ha! See now this is where my satisfaction kicks in. You do realize I'm killing you right? And look around no can help you. No one wants to. Haha. He couldn't take it any more. NO! He screamed loud and clear. Just no! He breathing got heavier and his head was bowed down looking at the floor. Looking at the ground beneath him sway. He heard his mum call. Shout for him. Worry for him. But he didn't do anything. He was caught in his trance. Stuck in his aura of sadness and darkness. Not willing to fight for the light. Just wanting to give up. Give in. It was never going to leave him alone was it? He took one look out the window and saw the beautiful sunset. A small smile danced across his lips. Get over it, its ugly light, stop resisting to my dark, boy. Just give in. He looked down again. Watched it sway alittle longer. Then looked out at the sky again. He nodded and whispered, Okay. One more look at the sun, he closed his eyes, felt his legs give way. felt his hand reach out in protest. Felt the worry from his mum. Felt the pain. Felt self pity. Felt no one understand. Felt loneliness. Felt heart broken. Felt rejected. Felt nothing but darkness and sorrow.  His body gave in, finally. And...

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